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 “Let the world know China and Let China know the world.” China and Chinese people are  39   to know the world. But I didn't know how equally  40  it is for the world to know China until I came to the States.

First let me give you a(n)  41   of how little China is known to the Americans with some of the  42   I was asked by the graduated students at Purdue University.   "Where is Beijing? Is it a coastal city?"   "Why do you  43  the one-child family policy? Don't you know it is a crime?"   “I hope you don’t  44   my asking this question. Tan. Do Chinese people still live in  45  and oppression ?”

  The list of  46  I was given can go on and on , but let me in  47   give you some examples of the surprise we gave to them.

  When I told them I wanted to  48   the degree as soon as I could and then go back to China, the  49  students looked at me in both surprise and  50  . They think that everybody  51   the Chinese, of course, who comes to the States, will stay here to seek a  52   life and that this is the only place  53   one can find a better life .

  When I asked my officemate for  54   about buying a new car, she  55   at me , asking me  56   , “A new car?” Later I found out that her surprise was because of the popular image of Chinese students, either too poor or too  57  .

  “Let the world know China” should no longer remain a(n)  58   slogan. It is something we all should do , home and abroad .

39. A. doing    B. trying    C. keeping   D. wondering

40. A. important  B. necessary  C. special   D. useless

41. A. explanation B. lesson    C. idea    D. message

42. A. replies   B. problems   C. arguments  D. questions

43. A. carry on   B. hold on   C. bring on  D. take on

44. A. imagine   B. mind     C. practise  D. like

45. A. poverty   B. peace    C. silence   D. harmony

46. A. joy     B. oppression  C. surprise  D. fear

47. A. come     B. ask     C. return   D. turn

48. A. graduate   B. finish    C. start    D. interrupt

49. A. British   B. Australia  C. American  D. Chinese

50. A. respect   B. disbelief  C. blame    D. discrimination

51. A. except    B. including  C. but     D. besides

52. A. romantic   B. peaceful   C. troublesome  D. better

53. A. where     B. which    C. what     D. how

54. A. permission  B. pleasure   C. advice    D. introduction

55. A. stared    B. glared    C. shouted   D. laughed

56. A. carefully   B. incredibly  C. nervously  D. quietly

57. A. economical  B. wasteful   C. generous   D. mean

58. A. practical   B. useful    C. meaningful  D. empty


38. --- Will you take these trousers ?

  --- No , they don’t fit me. Please show me ____ .

  A. another one  B. any others  C. the other  D. some others


37. --- Do you know why the sun looks much bigger on the horizon ?

  --- Well , well , ___ . I’ve never read about that .

A. that depends  B. I can’t tell you  C. you really have me there 

D. there is some doubt


36. We drove too fast in the street and ____ missed hitting the car in the opposite direction .

  A. narrowly  B. almost  C. hardly  D. nearly


35. He is only too ready to help others, seldom , ___ , refusing them when they turn to him .

  A. if never  B. if ever  C. if some  D. if any


34. When the spaceship traveled above , ____ new-looking earth appeared before us , ___ earth that we had never seen before .

  A. a; an  B. the ; an  C. / ; the  D. a ; the


33. --- I’m afraid I can’t return the magazine to you before Saturday .

  --- ____.

  A. Don’t be afraid  B. Never mind  C. Take your time  D. Not at all


32. In a room above the store , where a party ____ , some workers were busily setting the table .

  A. was to be held  B. has been held  C. will be held  D. is being held


31. --- Can you come for dinner on Sunday or Saturday ?

  --- I’m afraid ____ day is possible .

  A. either  B. neither  C. some  D. any


30. When the ship was on ____ point of sinking , people on board rushed to the bank like ____ crazy .

  A. the ; /  B. a ; a  C. the ; a  D. a; the

