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Buying a Farm

Their destination
A farm
Location of the farm
In the (16)___________ of the city
Size of the farm
(17)___________ acres
What the farm has
A small house with (18)___________
Plenty of space for a (19)___________
What the husband plans to grow
Some vegetables, like (20)___________





1. What is the woman's problem?

A. She has some friends in her room.      B. She is looking for a place to study.

C. She can't walk in the rain.

2. Why can't the woman use the classroom?

A. It is closed for repairs.       B. It is not quiet enough there.

C. A club is having a meeting there.

3. Where will the woman probably go?

A. To the city library.       B. To the man's home.  C. To the reading room.


4. What are the speakers talking about?

A. How to use the Internet. B. The effects of the Internet.

C. The history of the Internet.

5. What did the man's friend use the computer to do at first?

A. Play bridge. B. Do business. C. Watch films.

6. What can we learn from the conversation?

A. The man often goes shopping on line.

B. The woman doesn't like the Internet.

C. The Internet will be a powerful commercial medium.


7. How long will the fair last?

A. Three days. B. Two days. C. One day.

8. Who is the speaker speaking to?

A. People who are interested in computers.

B. Students who like designing furniture.

C. People who enjoy learning languages.

9. How can we benefit from the fair?

A. You can get free books and free tickets.

B. You will get a lot of information about new jobs.

C. Experts will talk about the best way to learn English well.


10. Who is the man most likely to be?

A. A UN high official in charge of the nation's security.

B. An official working for the WHO.

C. An agricultural expert in the UN Food and Agricultural Organization.

11. What animal disease broke out in Italy?

A. Riff Valley Fever B. Bluetongue C. Foot-and-mouth disease

12. Why were 36,000 head of cattle killed? ,

A. To cure the foot-and-mouth disease.

B. To prevent the spread of an animal disease.

C. To experiment with a disease.


13. What was the speaker looking for?

A. A newly-built house. B. A suitable house to buy.

C. A house near to his working place.

14. What was considered to be important in buying a house in the talk?

A. The sum of money the house costs.

B. The schools in the neighborhood.

C. The traffic conditions of the house.

15. What did the agent mean at the end of the story?

A. The house needed a lot of repairs.

B. The speaker was a person who was hard to please.

C. The house was exactly the one the speaker needed.


2.3       成语中的难读字

病入膏(huāng)  封妻(yǐn)子  负(yú)顽抗   步履(pán)跚

(jiá)然而止   无耻(lán)言  功亏一(kuì)   长(xū)短叹

(gōng)之臣  光风(jì)月  鬼鬼祟祟(suì)   官运(hēng)通

敛声(bǐng)息   (xuàn)丽多姿  含英(jǔ)华    (bò)肌分理

插科打(hùn)   (hù)恶不(quān)  吹毛求(cī)   汗流(jiā)背

大笔如(chuán)  莘莘(shēn)学子  舐(shì)犊情深   身陷囹圄(líng yǔ)

(jī)角之势    麻(bì)大意  (jìn)若寒蝉   推本(sù)源

(kuì)然长叹   (xuǎn)赫一时  (nǎn)颜苟活   怏(yàng)不乐

奴颜(bì)膝   一(cù)而就   皮开肉(zhàn)  沆瀣(hàng xiè)一气

(qìn)人心脾   针(biān)时弊  杀一(jǐng)百   振聋发(kuì)

(chēng)目结舌  暴(tiǎn)天物  (yà)苗助长    暴(lì)恣(suī)

邂逅(xiè hòu)相遇  (zhì)手可热  缠绵(fěi)恻   良(yǒu)不齐

焚膏继(guǐ)    蚍蜉(pí fú)撼树  风声鹤(lì)   (mén)心自问

(gǔ)惑人心    (qìng)竹难书   户枢不(dù)    不(jìng)而走

(jì)伏枥    疾首(cù)眉  鳞次(zhì)比    命运多(chuǎn)

(jù)后恭    繁文(rù)节  茕茕(qióng)孑立   飞扬跋(hù)

穷兵(dú)武    众口(shuò)金  睚眦(yá zǐ)必报   并行不(bèi)

风驰电(chè)    忧心忡忡(chōng)  (gèn)古未有    羽扇(guān)巾

(hún)水摸鱼    渐(zhēn)佳境  (jí)屈(áo)牙   草(jiān)人命

(jiǎo)枉过正    (kuài)炙人口  管窥(lí)测     (liáo)若晨星

面面相(qù)    色厉内(rěn)  提纲(qiè)领    (qiè)而不舍

(zhǐ)尺天涯    卷(zhì)浩繁  (tāo)光养晦    (tián)不知耻

如火如(tú)     (xián)外之音  (yǎo)如黄鹤   (ǒu)心沥血

(yē)废食   甘之如(yí)  魂牵梦(yíng)   (yù)蚌相争

(jué)不振   (niān)轻怕重  通(qú)广陌   垂(xián)三尺


2.2     成语中的通假和古今异读现象

(pù)十寒   暴虎(píng)河  博闻强(zhì)   图穷匕(xiàn)

臧否(zāng  pǐ)人物  余勇可(gǔ)虚与委蛇(wēi yí)


2.1     成语中的多音多义现象

螳臂(dāng)车  安步(dàng)车  一(mài)相承   含情脉脉(mò)

载歌(zài)舞   千(zǎi)难逢  安土(zhòng)迁  (chóng)峦叠障

亲密无(jiàn)   (jiān)不容发  斗转(shēn)横  (cēn)差不齐

自怨自(yì)    方兴未(ài)  穷形尽(xiànng)  (xiāng)得益彰

(wèi)虎作伥   (wéi)恶不悛  (héng)行霸道  飞来(hèng)祸

(pú)后继   风尘仆仆(pǔ)  形单影(zhī)   (zhǐ)争朝夕

窗明(jī)净   (jǐ)次三翻  曲高(hè)寡   (hé)衷共济

(nìng)缺毋滥  息事(níng)人  刀耕火(zhòng)  (zhǒng)瓜得豆

(hòng)而散  (hōng)堂大笑  牵(qiǎng)附会  (qiáng)弩之末

(chèn)心如意  (chēng)兄道弟  引(háng)高歌  一声不(kēng)

忍俊不(jīn)   (jìn)网疏阔  (chā)强人意   参(cī)不齐

(xiù)未干   (chòu)味相投  热情(cì)候   (sì)机下手

(dù)日如年    (duó)德量力  危如(lěi)卵   果实累累(léi)

(mí)之风   靡靡(mǐ)之音  寡廉(xiǎn)耻  屡见不(xiān)

(liàng)体裁衣  仔细打(liáng)  退避三(shè)   (shě)本逐末

呼天(qiāng)地  茅(sè)顿开  (chǔ)心积虑   (hè)枪实弹

(wàn)摸瓜   犯而不(jiào)  反躬自(xǐng)  兵不(xuè)刃

未雨绸(móu)  数(shǔ)典忘祖  如法(páo)制   (nì)古不化

归心(sì)箭   万象(gēng)新  心广体(pán)



悍(piāo)  勇(piào)勇(xiāo)②阖(bǎi)睥睨(pì nì)将(pí)

咄咄逼人(duō)  相形见(chù)④饮止渴(zhèn) 占鹊巢(jiū)

⑤不冒昧(chuǎi) 惴惴不安(zhuì)⑥别出机(zhù)  毁家难(shū)

⑦开门盗(yī)  通(jí)⑧一黄土(pōu)土(pī)

怒(chēn)  密(zhěn)⑩泥(nào)  念(dào)

⑾疏(jùn)  裂(jūn)⑿不(chì)  鞭(chī)

荷(bò)  簿册(bù)⒁火(cuì)死(cù)

l       常见成语中的易读错字和难读字



骨(hái)  笑(yè)  惊魂定(fǔ)次(dàng)  犯(chù)  厉马兵(mò)

(jié)  见(jìn) 苦心孤(yì)怯懦(qiè nuò) 狡(xiá) 同仇敌(kài)

伛偻(yǔlǚ)  依(guī)  不及防(cù)洗(guàn)  临(lì)  休相关(qī)

(sù)  道(zhàn) 然长逝(kè)业(yì)  栏(zhàn) 刚自用(bì)

(zhì)  客(qián)血为盟(shà)整(chì)  米(jīng)徇私枉法(xùn)

(xiān)  惨(dá)  不落臼(kē)板(zhēn)装(zhēn)  百争流(gě)

(jié)乌(jiù) 卖官爵(yù)龌龊(wò chuò) 龃龉(jǔ yǔ) 一丘之(hé)

(tǎng)  哭(tòng) 时运乖(jiǎn)旖旎(yǐ nǐ) 诡(jué)暴天物(tiǎn)

(xǔ)  打(yàng) 越代庖(zǔ)见(yè)  颀长(qí)  钟灵秀(yù)

(qì)  休(qì)  浸渍(jìn zì)好(pǐ) 然泪下(shān)沱(pāng)

言(zhēn)暴(lì)  不知耻(tián)联(mèi)惨绝人(huán)汗涔涔(cén)

(xǐ)  漏(pī)  底抽薪(fǔ)忸怩(niǔ ní) 连(pí) 不容置(huì)

(tì)  血(kǎ)  佛(kān) 桎(gù)  甲(zhòu)  财(zī)

悔(chàn)  口(nè)奇(pā)远(xiù)  围(fēn) 戏(xuè)

(pí)央(měi)  子(xiē)裂(bèng)油(ki) 笑(shěn)



(bei) 管(jǐn)  然无声(qiǎo)复(bì)  呜(yè)  鞭入里(pì)

红(yān) 慰(jiè)  半身不(suí)称职(chèn)模样(mú)  级而上(shè)

枕(lào) 丢三四(là)大大落落(luō)雪(jiā) 倾(yà)  心泣血(chuí)

布(mā) 转弯角(mò) 眼泪(mǒ)予(jǐ)  人(yōng) 极泰来(pǐ)

染(jiān) 应(gōng)济济一堂(jǐ)应(dā) 便宜行事(biàn) 大腹便便(pián)

(pō) 一(dá) 纷至来(tà)赶(cháng) 参(yù) 呱呱坠地(gū)

(qiǎ) 锁(yuè) 瑕瑜互(jiàn)元(jiè) 浑身数(xiè)甲归田(jiě)

结(zhēng)老鼠(dǎi)力有未(dài)坊(zuō) 弱(guàn) 盖相望(guān)

拨(tiǎo) 来问讯(qì) 待解决(jí)刀(pō) 相儿(piān) 扰(tāo)

提防(dī) 扁舟(piān)  碌(gū)数(zhāo)凉(zháo)力(zhuó)

生(jiàn) 敌(jìng)  头(jìn)帖(yù) 手(pá)  首(qǐ)

绳(qiàn) 头(càn)  弱(chán)星宿(xiù)  面(huó)  药(huò)

(jué) 妆(jìng)  女(liàng)果(fǔ) 永(juàn) 秀(jùn)

本(shé)  裂(jūn)  兹(qiū)本(tà)  咱(liǎ)  伎(liǎng)

(bèn)  请(tiě)字(tiè)让(shàn)  骗(mēng) 族(měng)

道(hàng)  挣(zhá) 包(zā)蛎(gé)  蟆(há) 斗(jué)

像(xiào) 跷(qī)脖(gěng)



居(lín)  可(lián)  踽踽独行(jǔ) 围(jiān)  形(jī)  角之势(jǐ)

大(ruò)  吓(dòng) 如丧考(bǐ)泥(níng)  待(nǜe) 万马齐(yīn)

析(pōu) 牛(méng)  不屈不(náo)和(gòu) 腼(tiǎn) 女(bì)

印(lào)  洗(shuàn) 军(xiǎng)制(xié)  击(jū)   体(dòng)

美(pì)  击(pēng)  酒(xù)肘(chè) 告(fù)   老(yù)

熟(ān)  信(jiān)  包(bì)澎(pài) 车(zhuàng) 涡(xuán)

勉(xǜ)  灭(jiān)  鞭(tà)租(lìn)  热(chì)

