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27. David can speak idiomatic American English and yet, _____ English, he doesn't know it at all.

    A. how to teach         B. when it comes to teaching

C. when he teaches            D. however he teaches


26. --- How I wish we studied ____ there are fewer exams!

    --- You’re joking!

    A. where B. in which   C. the place where  D. in where


25. --- Could you introduce me a high quality car?

--- My pleasure. ____ well even on wet roads, this kind of car is very popular.

    A. Handled    B. To handle  C. Handling   D. Being handled


24. --- Where are the students ? How could they keep us waiting for so long? 

--- They started an hour ago and they____ be here in fifteen minutes, I think.

    A. might  B. would C. should D. must


22. We met an old friend in New York ____our expectation. She waved at us ____ the street when she saw us.

    A. with, in    B. out of; next to   C. in; out of      D. beyond, from across

(  ) 23. ---Mum, I am afraid I won’t do well in the coming test.

    --- Honey, ____ more careful, ____ you will make it.

    A. is; so  B. be; and    C. be; then    D. being; and


21. We all hold _____ belief that those who have ____wonderful sense of humor are more popular.

    A. the, a  B. /, /    C. the, /  D. a, the


15. What do we know about the woman?

A. She had planned to return by train.

B. She doesn’t mind the time taken.

C. She’ll take an express bus back.

Section B  (7.5分)

Directions: In this section, you will hear a short passage. Listen carefully and then fill in the numbered blanks with the information you’ve got. Fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS.

You’ll hear the short passage TWICE.

Dr James Naismith
He was born in Canada in 1861.
He is known as16.________ of basketball.
He died in 17.________.
The birth of basketbal
18. ________21, 189
The students could not go outside because of 19.______, and the principal asked him to think of a sport that boys could play indoors.
Original form
There were eighteen players
on the court, 20. _________.


Section A  (15分)

Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence.


14. Why are the bus tickets cheaper than the train tickets?

A. The bus trip takes longer time.

B. The bus stops at several cities.

C. Few people enjoy the bus trip.


13. Why does the woman want to take a bus?

A. The bus tickets are cheaper than the train tickets.

B. The bus trip is more comfortable than the train trip.

C. She wants to experience another way of traveling.


12. What do we know about the man’s mother?

A. She has borne three children, two boys and a girl.

B. She and her ex-husband divorced one year ago.

C. She doesn’t like to have such a big family.

Text Six

