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28.The company has been growing rapidly in the past 20 years and it has branches    in major cities throughout the country.

    A.lain           B.appeared     C.set           D.located


27.My grandfather      smoking, but only smokes when he is free.

    A.is proud of     B.is fond of      C.is familiar with  D.is afraid of


26.--- The Physics exam is not difficult, is it?

   ---     . Even Tom     to the top students failed in it.

    A.Yes; belongs   B.No; belonged  C.Yes; belonging D.No; belonging


25.--- Don’t you agree with what he said?

   --- Yes,     ! It can’t be      .

    A.approximately; better           B.absolutely; better

    C.relatively; worse                               D.fortunately; worse


24.Jack, it’s your fault. You must     your differences and get down to the task.

    A.put away     B.put off        C.put out       D.put aside


23.They give the available seats to     comes first. After all, the early bird catches the worm.

    A.whom        B.who          C.whomever    D.whoever


22.Visiting the Acropolis this summer was an unforgettable moment,    I will treasure.

     A.one          B.that          C.it             D.what


21.While he was investigating ways to improve the telescope, Newton made    discovery  which completely changed    man’s understanding of color.

    A.a;/        B.a;the       C./;the       D.the;a



   All the volunteers are     in strict training in      for the important international  conference because they    China.



  More and more students arc giving    to studying abroad    of their parents’  opposition.

