(二)「蘇東坡的《黃州三赤壁》」1-2.前後赤壁賦 3.[念奴嬌]赤壁懷古(宋詞) 大江東去,浪淘盡,千古風流人物。故壘西邊,人道是:三國周郎赤壁。亂石崩雲,驚濤裂岸,捲起千堆雪。江山如畫,一時多少豪傑。○遙想公瑾當年,小喬初嫁了,雄姿英發。羽扇綸巾,談笑間,強虜灰飛湮滅。故國神遊,多情應笑我,早生華髮。人間如夢,一尊還酹江月。
《 汉书‧艺文志
《文心雕龙‧诠赋》:「赋者,赋也;铺釆摛文,体物写志。」「受命于诗人,拓宇于楚辞也。」 |
1.性质:赋,为中国文学所独具之文体,介于「诗」与「文」之间。 (半诗半文,属于古诗之流,有韵之文,不被管弦,谨供讽诵,篇幅较诗经长。)
3.體裁:介於「 詩」與「 文」之「□þ韻文 □非韻文(勾選)」,為辭賦之通體。
4.流變: 戰國時期以「 短賦」為主,是「 楚辭」與「 荀子(who)」賦篇而產生的文學作品。 兩漢之賦稱為「 古賦」或「 大賦」,鋪陳成文, 漢賦四大家為:「 司馬相如」、「 揚雄」、「 班固」、「 張衡」。 魏晉南北朝受「 駢儷文」的影響變為「 俳賦」, 因其注重駢儷,內容則改以「 (抒情)個性化與感情化」為主流。 唐時科舉受「 格律(近體詩)」影響變為「 律賦」,已毫無內容。。 至宋,受「 古文」的影響,變為「 文賦」,為避免與[陸機所作文賦]相歧混,又稱「 散賦」。
5.散賦:「 唐宋」時代受產生的一種文體。 * 內容主於「 說理」,句式「 參差」,駢散兼用,押韻「□þ如詩但比較自由 □不用押韻(勾選)」, 化典重為流利,抒情寫景,不僅句法極近散文,通篇更以散文的氣勢貫串著。 * 去西漢古賦之鋪張揚厲,滅六朝俳賦之對偶藻釆,異於唐賦之整飾嚴密,意趣若詩而流暢自然,幾與「古文」無別者也。Ps.請說明何謂古文: 先秦兩漢之散文,樸實無華而重視內容。。 |
* 賦的形式:序、本體、亂,並且以「 主客問答」為通體。(請摘錄原文作答) * 序 :交代時間、地點和人物 =>壬戌之秋,七月既望,蘇子與客泛舟遊於赤壁之下。…… * 本體:中段蘇子與客之對話以及發議論的結尾部分 =>蘇子問曰:(因客簫聲悲悽而問)何為其然也? 客曰:「月明星稀,烏鵲南飛。」……哀吾生之須臾……託遺響於悲風。 蘇子曰:客亦知夫水與月乎?……是造物者之無盡藏也,而吾與子之所共適也。 * 亂 :為全文結語,本文則省略此段。 ★ 赤壁賦一文的風格特色:駢體交錯運用,有對偶,有排比,形成散駢並用的特點。 押韻靈活多變,並打破了一般駢文不用虛字和連接詞的特點。 ★ 前赤壁賦之筆法: 1.以「 泛遊赤壁」為背景,以「 風、月」為主線穿梭成文。 2.藉「 曹操」之事發端,以風月為喻,鋪陳「 萬物盛衰」之理。 3.以「 蘇子」與「 客」問答成文,卻以「 開闊曠達」的人生態度作結。 |
My father was a fisherman. He had his own boat, but it was hard 51 a living on the sea. He worked hard and would 52 out until he caught enough to feed the family. He was a big man and was strong from pulling the 53 and fighting the sea for his catch.
When you got 54 to him, he smelled like the ocean. However much Mother washed his clothes, they would 55 smell of the sea and fish.
He had an old truck and would drive me to school when the weather was 56 . He used his truck in is his fishing 57 . On the way to school, the old truck would 58 a cloud of smoke. Soon he would stop right in front of the school. Then he would 59 over and give me a big 60 on the cheek and tell me to be a good boy. It was so uncomfortable for me. Here, I was twelve years old and 61 old for a goodbye kiss!
One day, when we got to the school, he had his usual big 62 . He started to lean toward me, but I 63 my hand up and said, “No, Dad. I don’t want a goodbye kiss.” Then he had a(n) 64 look on his face, and he looked at me for a long time. I saw his eyes were 65 with tears. “Yes, you have grown up and don’t need a kiss any more. Then I won’t … ” he said.
It wasn’t long after that when my father went to 66 and never came back.
No one knows 67 I would give to have my father give me just one 68 kiss on the cheek … to feel his rough old face … to 69 the ocean on him … to feel his arm around my 70 . I wish I had been a man then. If I had been a man, I would never have told him I didn’t like his goodbye kiss.
51.A.doing B.leading C.getting D.making
52.A.stay B.keep C.leave D.turn
53.A.waves B.nets C.boat D.hat
54.A.close B.beside C.nearby D.far
55.A.not B.still C.yet D.seldom
56.A.dry B.fine C.clear D.bad
57.A.company B.business C.industry D.journey
58.A.send out B.make out C.put out D.bring out
59.A.turn B.jump C.get D.lean
60.A.pat B.touch C.kiss D.hug
61.A.so B.that C.too D.enough
62.A.yell B.sign C.laugh D.smile
63.A.rose B.put C.hid D.shook
64.A.frightened B.surprised C.excited D.shocked
65.A.stuck B.flowed C.covered D.filled
66.A.school B.sea C.home D.church
67.A.why B.how C.what D.which
68.A.another B.other C.either D.more
69.A.taste B.smell C.see D.feel
70.A.hand B.head C.neck D.nose
50.Thank you for your help. for your help, I wouldn’t have succeeded in my experiment.
A.If it is not B.Were it not
C.Had it not been D.If they were not
49.More and more people are learning English, has drawn much attention of the public.
A.the importance B.which importance
C.its importance D.the importance of which
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