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5.填入下列横线处的语句,与上下文衔接最恰当的一项是(  )

党的十七大报告提出,要“探索实行职能有机统一的大部门体制,健全部门间协调配合机制”,这反映出中央对部门间协调配合机制的重要性给予了高度关注。事实上,在社会管理高度复杂化的今天,不少工作确需多个部门齐抓共管,发挥合力,        ,这也是当今世界各国在政府改革中面临的共同课题。








4.下列各句中没有语病的一句是(  )






3.C / 空巷:巷子里空荡荡没有人。该词指家家户户的人都从巷子里出来了。多形容庆祝、欢迎等盛况或新奇事物轰动一时的情景。A“捕风捉影”,风和影子都是抓不着的,比喻说话做事丝毫没有事实根据。而西方军事专家的猜测是来自于实际客观情况,矛盾。B“改头换面”形容只改形式,不换内容,带贬义。D“脱颖而出”, 比喻本领全部显露出来。


3.下列各句中的成语使用恰当的一项是(   )






2. D/ A富-阜;B刻-恪; C阖-阂。


2.下列句子中没有错别字的一项是(   )






1.C/(jī)(càn)(chán)履(1ǔ)。A笺、浅(jiān)饯(jiàn)栈(zhàn); B望(liào)牙(liáo)积(lǎo)星火原(liáo);D莠(lánɡ)跄(liànɡ)苑(lànɡ)琅书声(lánɡ)


1.下列词语中加点的字,读音完全不相同的一项是(  )

A.信    行    道    浅水声

B.望    牙    积    星火

C.木    头    湲    削足适

D.莠    跄    苑    琅书声


3. 参考词汇:解开(包装纸等)unwrap



Sunny                     Thursday  October 15, 2009 

This morning when I read a magazine, I was deeply impressed by a series of cartoons with the theme of ‘I love reading’. Among them, the following is the most attractive to me.

In the cartoon, a man is sitting at a table on which there is a plate full of Zongzi, a kind of Chinese traditional food for the Dragon Boat Festival, and a cup. Somehow it seems that he is at a loss to eat them. Believe it or not, he just finds a book on How to unwrap Zongzi and carefully reads it instead of trying himself.

As students, we are learning by reading almost every day. It is true that books can tell us a lot and teach us how to deal with some problems. However, there are also some other ways of gaining knowledge, including the way of learning by doing. Isn’t it better to try unwrapping these Zongzi than to read a book telling you how to do it? As the saying goes, ‘Theory comes from practice’.




M: I’m thinking about going to another school in mid-term.

W: In the middle of the term? I thought you liked our school.

M: I do. But I’m moving to the town nearby. It is a long way from my new house to this school.

W: So which school do you want to go to? Southlake High School there is very good.

M: I have heard of it before. It’s really a very good school. I need to go there and talk to the headmaster first.

 W: You’re right. Perhaps I can go with you.


W: I’ll throw a party on my birthday.

M: That’s great! Who will come?

W: My classmates and a few good friends. Want to join?

M: Why not? But I hope we’ll have something interesting to do at the party.

W: How come you said that?

M: Well, last time when I took part in a party, a boy asked me, “Are you enjoying yourself?”

W: What did you say?

M: I said, “Yes, since there’s nothing else to enjoy.”


M: May I help you?

W: Well…yeah. I’m looking for a Father’s Day gift. How much is that black wallet?

M: Oh. It’s only $40.95.

W: That’s too expensive for me. Do you have a cheaper one?

M: Hmm. How about this brown leather one?

W: Umm…I don’t think my father will like the design on the outside, and it doesn’t have a place to put pictures. How much is it anyway?

M: It’s $ 25.99.

W: Hmm. I don’t have that much money.

M: OK. How much do you have to spend?

W: I’m not sure. Probably ten dollars or so. I’ve been helping my mom around the house for the past week to earn some money. This is all I have.

M: Hmm. How about this tie?

W: That’s really pretty, but the price tag says $13.99, and I don’t have that much money.

M: Well, let’s just say the blue tie just went on sale. How about $5.00? What do you say?

W: Oh, thanks. I’ll take it.


W: Bill is a lucky man!

M: Mm…yes. She is a wonderful person, his wife, I mean.

W: Oh, I agree. Did he meet his wife here in London? At work, I mean.

M: No, I don’t think so. I’m almost sure he knew her before he began to live here.

W: Oh, where did he live before?

M: I’m not all sure. Was it Sydney?

W: Oh… is he Australian?

M: Oh, yes. I think so. Haven’t you noticed his accent?

W: Well yes. At first I thought he sounded like an American.

M: Well, he did spend some time in America. He was talking about it the other day.

W: Oh, well, that explains it.

M: Maybe that’s where he met his wife.

W: In America? Perhaps he did.


W: How did it go, Steven?

M: We won.

W: Well done. What was the score? I'm guessing three to one.

M: No, three to nothing.

W: Your team must have played very well.

M: Yes. Our boys ran faster and kicked harder even than their best player, Rudolf.

W: Who scored the goals?

M: A new member named Geoff.

W: Did he score all the three?

M: Yes. He's an excellent football player. He ran the fastest and kicked the hardest of all.

W: Why didn't you score any goals?

M: I twisted my ankle in the first half. I had to leave the pitch and watch.


Dear members and friends, SCCPA is hosting a little weekend camping trip to Moon Lake on July 6th. We will drive to the lake on Sunday afternoon; enjoy a good afternoon swim in the cool lake water and some fishing, and set up camps in the nearby campground. At night, we can enjoy each other’s company while doing a fine barbecue, maybe even a fish or two that one of us might catch in the afternoon. In the next morning, we can rent a boat to cruise around the lake, while others might like a morning horse ride from the nearby stable. Then we can clean up and head back home at noon.

Please e-mail me back if you like to join us for the camping trip. Please have your own tent, sleeping bags, and fishing equipment. Hope to see everyone there.

