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31. They are brothers but they have little _________.

A. in the same    B. in difference   C. in common     D.in the way


30. We should do as much as we can    our country better and more beautiful:

A. make     B. makes     C. making    D. to make


29.--Would you like some more chicken?

--- No, thanks. I am ______ a diet and try to ______weight.

A. on; lose    B. on; put on   C. in; have      D. in; lose


28. Matt is now getting on very well with his new job and he earns ___he did last year.     

A. twice as much as   B. as twice much as

C. twice as many as   D. as twice many as


27.It is bad _______ to speak with your mouth full of food.

A.manner   B.way   C.method   D.manners


26.The reason ___ Malcolm didn’t study art was ___his father didn’t want him to.

A.for; because B.why; because  C.why; that  D.of; which 


25.I can hardly ______ their sailing across the ocean in a small sailing ship.

A.imagine       B.think      C.guess   D.hope  


24.Air service now is back to ___after two days of heavy fog.

A.usual   B.normal  C.ordinary      D.common  


23.______the satellites, football games come to us ____on TV.

A.Thanks for;  alive    B.Thanks to;  live  

C.Owing to;  living        D.Owed to;  live 


22. Many people are still in ___ habit of writing silly things in ___  public places.

A. the; the  B.  /; /   C. the; /   D. /; the  

