0  305583  305591  305597  305601  305607  305609  305613  305619  305621  305627  305633  305637  305639  305643  305649  305651  305657  305661  305663  305667  305669  305673  305675  305677  305678  305679  305681  305682  305683  305685  305687  305691  305693  305697  305699  305703  305709  305711  305717  305721  305723  305727  305733  305739  305741  305747  305751  305753  305759  305763  305769  305777  447090 

8. Look! That is a ________ (China) car.


7. I have two ________ (baby).


6. This is my pen. Please give it to ________ (I).


5. It’s time ________ (go) and play games.


4. ---Are these trousers _______ (you)?

  ---No, they aren’t ________ (we)


3. ________ (Who) new ruler is this?


2. ________ (You) shoes ________ (be) under the bed.


1. ________ (He) pen is in ______ (I) pencil-box.


Jim:  Excuse me, Ann. Whose black dog is this? Is it yours?

Ann:  Let me have a look.________1_______. I think it’s Sam’s. My dog is brown.

Jim:  Sam, look at the dog behind the tree.________2__________?

Sam:  Sorry, it isn’t mine. My dog is black and white. I think it looks like Mary’s.

Jim:  _____________3______________?

Sam:  She’s my friend. Look! She’s over there. Let’s go and ask her.

Jim:  _______________4_______________.

Sam:  Hi, Mary! Is that dog yours?

Mary: _______________5_______________.

Sam:  It’s a lovely dog! Don’t lose it!

Mary: Yes, thank you.

A. Who’s Mary

B. OK, let’s go

C. Oh, no it’s not mine

D. Oh, yes. It’s mine

E. Is it yours


10. What is this in English?   J. How do you do?

