0  308243  308251  308257  308261  308267  308269  308273  308279  308281  308287  308293  308297  308299  308303  308309  308311  308317  308321  308323  308327  308329  308333  308335  308337  308338  308339  308341  308342  308343  308345  308347  308351  308353  308357  308359  308363  308369  308371  308377  308381  308383  308387  308393  308399  308401  308407  308411  308413  308419  308423  308429  308437  447090 

10.  For many cities in the world, there is no room to spread out further, ______ Shanghai is a typical example.

    A. of which         B. in which      C. for which            D. from which


9.    ______ true events, the film follows the life of Ali, a world famous boxer in the US.

    A. Being based on   B. Basing on     C. Based on            D. Having based on


8.    According to a recent research, many teenagers have no dreams ______ to lead a comfortable life.

    A. rather than   B. more than       C. other than          D. less than


7.    What a pity! The car ran out of sight before I could ______ its number.

    A. get across       B. get off       C. set aside            D. set down


6.    The female scientist devoted herself ______ to her research and it earned her the Nobel Prize for Economics in 2009.

    A. strongly          B. extremely        C. entirely             D. very


5.    Obama’s father was among the first to settle in ______ is known as the most fantastic tourist attraction-Hawaii.

    A. where       B. what         C. which           D. that


4.    –Excuse me, Mr. Premier, will you ______ me a few minutes? 

  –I am afraid not, I am quite busy now.

    A. share        B. spare         C. save                D. spend


3.    The little naughty boy won’t keep ______ while I take a photo for him.

    A. calm      B. quiet     C. still           D. silent


2.    ______ on-going conflict between white people and the local Indians is still ______ major concern of the country.

    A. The; /        B. The; a        C. An; the          D. An, /


第一节:单项填空(共30小题 ;每小题0.5分,满分15分)


1.    Sad to say, nowadays many people are still in ______ habit of writing silly things in _______ public places.

    A. the;the      B. /; /              C. the; /                D. /; the

