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35.If the students who killed themselves had only been more confident, their deaths ________.

    A.need have been avoided             B.must have been avoided

    C.might have been avoided            D.will have been avoided


34.It doesn’t matter what you wear-just ________ you come.

    A.as long as       B.as far as        C.as early as       D.as soon as


33.In front of our house ________ we used to swim.

    A.a river lies that   B.does a river lie where

    C.lies a river which D.lies a river where


32.-Mama, why can’t I work the maths problem out?

    -Oh, let me see.Well, you ________ a figure here.Got it?

    A.squeezed out     B.picked out      C.left out         D.wore out


31.________ poor health, my father is always cheerful.

    A.In spite of      B.In pursuit of     C.In memory of    D.In case of


30.I tried to fix the computer myself, but that just made it ________.

    A.better          B.good          C.worse          D.bad


29.-Will working day and night make me a success?

    -Hardly ever.Remember, make a plan, strike a balance between work and rest, and ________, work hard but also work smart.

    A.in all          B.after all        C for all           D.above all


28.Sealers and whalers were the first Europeans ________ to New Zealand, later followed by more Europeans, ________ for a better life.

    A.coming; seeking  B.to come; seeking  C.came; to seek    D.to come; to seek


27.Without enough evidence, the jury couldn’t find him ________ of the crime, so he was set free.

    A.sceptical        B.ashamed        C.innocent        D.guilty


26.It was ________ she had done ________ angered her husband.

    A.that; what       B.which; that      C.what; which     D.what; that

