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6. --l had a really good weekend at my uncle's.   --_____.  A. Oh. that's very nice of you    B. Congratulations  C. It's a pleasure      D. Oh. I'm glad to hear that 7. --I’m going to the post office.   --_____you're there, can you get me some stamps?  A. As   B. While   C. Because   D. If 8. Paper money was in _____use in China when Marco Polo visited the country in  _____thirteenth century.  A.the;不填   B.the;the    C.不填;the    D.不填;不填 9. --Are the new rules working?   --Yes. _____books are stolen.  A.Few    B. More   C.Some    D.None 10. --Alice. you feed the bird today,_____ ?  --But I fed it yesterday.  A. do you   B. will you  C. didn't you  D. don't you 11. _____you've got a chance,  you might as well make full use of it.  A. Now that   B. After   C. Although  D. As soon as 12. _____him and then try to copy what he does.  A. Mind    B. Glance at  C. Stare at  D.Watch 13.--I drove to Zhuhai for the air show last week.  --Is that _____ you had a few days off?  A. why     B. when    C. what   D. where 14.Robert is said ___________ abroad, but I don't know what country he studied in.  A. to have studied     B. to study  C.to be studying      D.to have been studying 15.--Will you stay for lunch?  --Sorry,_____. My brother is coming to see me.  A. I mustn't  B.I can't  C. I needn't   D.I won't 16.The price_____, but I doubt whether it will remain so.  A. went down  B. will go down  C. has gone down  D. was going down 17. Few pleasures can equal _____of a cool drink on a hot day.  A. some    B. any     C. that     D. those 18. You should make it a rule to leave things_____you can find them again  A. when    B. where    C. then    D. there 19.Carol said the work would be done by October, _____personally I doubt very much.  A. it    B. that    C. when    D. which 20.--Do you think the Stars will beat the Bulls?  --Yes. They have better players, so I_____them to win.  A. hope    B. prefer   C. expect    D. want


5. recognize      A. gas          B. because       C. base          D. request

第二节 语法和词汇知识(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)



4. subway        A. fluent        B. use          C. unnecessary    D. university


3. accent         A. official       B. conquer       C. price         D. certain


2. actually       A. gradual       B. elevator       C. official        D. African


第一节 语音知识(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


1. petrol         A. voyage        B. conquer       C. voice         D. vocabulary



(1)若将这个装置用来探究CO2是光合作用的原料,则还应该再增加一个装置,做法是其他条件同这个装置                       。若用于探究SO2对植物生长的影响,则烧杯中的NaHCO3溶液应换成                    

(2)若将这个装置用来探究元素X是否为植物的必需矿质元素,则还应该增加一个对照装置,做法是                                      。为确保实验获得成功,则还应该适时地向培养液中通入空气,目的是            。若研究的化学元素是镁元素,当其缺乏时,植株的    (老、幼)叶首先表现出症状,原因是                     







(3)如果Ⅳ-1是一个男孩,此男孩既是多指又是色盲的概率为      ,只患多指不患色盲的概率为    











(4) X经④转移过程中,是通过_________作用完成的。32.(10分)回答下列有关神经冲动传导的问题:

(1)神经纤维处于静息状态时,细胞膜内外的电位表现为        ;当神经纤维受到刺激而产生兴奋时,细胞膜内外电位表现为       





