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19. How does the man treat his job ?

A. He doesn’t care about it.      

B. He is serious about it .     

C. He is bored with it.


18.What does “I will take daily roll .”mean ?

A. It means “I will take a test every day.”   

B. It means “ I will take a dictation every day.”

C. It means “I will do calling every day.”


17. Why does the woman want to go on with her work in the office ?

A. She is fond of writing notices.   

B. She is still new in her position.     

C. She hopes to keep in close touch with her superiors(上司).



16. Who has risen to a highter position ?

A. Jack.   B. Mary.   C. Both Jack and Mary.


15. Where do the two speakers work ?

A .In a plant in Detroit.  

B. In a large company.  

C. In an office in Atlanta.


14.Who or what was to balme for the accdient ?

A. The truck driver.  

B. The driver of the bule Ford .  

C.The traffic lights.



13. What time was it when the accident broke out ?

A. At 1:45.      B. At 2:15     C. At 2:45.


12. Who is the woman ?

A. John’s neighbor .           

B. A ploicewoman.   

C. A workwoman in the community.


11. Who will go to see Rata ?

A. The man .   B. The woman .      C. Both of the speakers.



10. What do we know about Rata ?

A. She’s too busy to see a doctor.          

B.The doctor advised her to stay   in hospital .   

C. She hasn’t got well though she saw a doctor.

