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35.-Going to the party on Saturday?

    -_____ .I' 11 be free then.

    A.You bet       B.You too       C.I've got it      D.Believe it or not


34.In front of our house stands a tall tree, ______top well above the tops of other trees.

    A.which        B.what         C.its            D.whose


33.We must apply what we have learned to our daily work because in no case ______ from practice.

    A.should theory separate          B.theory should be separated

    C.theory should separate          D.should theory be separated


32.-John, how did your English exam go?

    -I thought I ______have failed, but in fact I came in the top 10 in the class.

    A.might         B.couldn't       C.should        D.mustn't


31.It is absolutely unacceptable to sacrifice people's life and health _______the economic development in any case.

    A.in hope of     B.in exchange for                C.in face of      D.in need of


30.-What did your parents think about your decision?

    -They always let me do ______I think I should.

    A.when         B.that          C.how D, what


29.-If the traffic hadn't been so heavy, I could have been back by 6 o'clock.

    -What a pity! Tina ______here to see you.

    A.was coming   B.came         C.would come   D.has come


28.Mrs.Obama once said, "People have different ______; they won't always like what you wear."

    A.tastes         B.feelings        C.ideas         D.senses

