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2.下列各组词语中,没有错别字的一组是                               (   )

    A.委曲          通讯社           寥若晨星          事实盛于雄辩

    B.杀戳          综合症           娇揉造作          可望而不可即

    C.装潢          飨读者           毁家纾难          化干戈为玉帛

    D.和蔼          编者按           雪中送碳          水至清则无鱼


1.下列各项中,每对词语加点字读音完全不同的一组是                     (   )

    A.谣/精      角/角之势      待解决/岌可危

    B.职/私      跷/独辟径      入为出/质并重

    C.哑/熟      色/崭露头      入史册/人航天

    D.悍/勇      蛋/水摸鱼      重在参/人为善


84.What might be the result if the Nook is successful? (Within 10 words)


Section C

Directions: Write an English composition according to the instructions given below in Chinese.



83.List three new features of the Nook. (within 16 words)



82.According to Paragraph 2, in what way is Nook an improvement? (within 15 words)



81.What do booklovers take pleasure in, according to the text? (10 words or less)



70.What would be the best title of this text?

    A.A lift to the stars.               

    B.Reality or fantasy?

    C.An interesting competition.

    D.Is it a science fiction?



Directions: Read the following passage. Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage and the required words limit. Write your answers on your answer sheet.

For many Canadians, family means a mothers, a father and one or more children. However, in 13% of Canadian families, there is only one parent. Some families include grandparents, cousins or other relatives. Sometimes adult children continue to live in the family home, rather than starting households of their own.

Marriage is usually a major celebration for Canadian families. Family members fro all generations gather to celebrate and honor the newlyweds (新婚夫妇). However, more and more couples today choose to live together instead of marrying. In most provinces this type of relationship is given some legal recognition. Throughout Canada, you can see 14% of all marriages and about 25% in Quebec. As in most Western countries, divorce is accepted as a way of ending an unhappy marriage. Divorce creates new types of families, such as stepfamilies and single – parent families. Most single – parent families are headed by the mother.

In many families, both parents work outside the home. Although in general women do more housework than men, some Canadian fathers help look after children and do housework. In families where both parents work full – time outside the home, children are cared for during the day by grandparents, neighbors, nannies (保姆) or at daycare centers.

Today, 12% of Canada’s population is over 65 and the proportion of old people is expected to increase in the 21 st century. Canadian old people receive government benefits. Some move to retirement communities in Canada or the southern United States, but most old people live in their own homes. These are middle – aged parents. They have children still at home and elderly parents who need their help.



Directions: Read the following passage. Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage and the required words limit. Write your answers on your answer sheet.

Booklovers, most of them, will tell you what a pleasure it is to lend a favorite read to a friend – the novel you stayed up all night to get to the end of the travel book that made you feel as if you yourself were on a train ride through India. For a while it seemed that e – book users were to be denied this pleasure of lending to friends. You could buy a book or magazine for your reading device, but you couldn’t lend it out.

But now, with the Nook, the US book chain Barnes and Noble’s response to Amazon’s Kindle, electronic readers will be able to press their latest literary enthusiasm on their friends, just like readers of physical books can. You simply email the book from your Nook and your friend can read it for two weeks, using any device with the Barnes & Noble e – book reader software. It’s a big improvement from previous e – book readers.

The Nook offers other features too. You read in black an white on the main screen, just like with Kindle. The difference is that on the lower part of the device there’s a color touch screen. It allows you to flip (翻页) through a book or magazine, but goes black when you’re not using ti so that you save power.

Another exciting thing about the Nook is that it offers Wi – Fi (无线上网服务), arguably (可论证地) a big advance on previous e – book readers. Customers in the United States can use the Internet connection to read whole e – books at Barnes and Noble’s hundreds of bookstores for free. None of Barnes and Noble’s competitors can come close to this.

But the Nook, ironically, might just turn out to be a money – loser for Barnes and Noble, or at least a job – loser for barns and Noble’s employees. According to Marina Maneker at The Big Money Website, if the Nook is successful it might take sales from the company’s bookstores, eventually forcing their closure and the loss of thousands of jobs.


69.It can be concluded from the passage that ______.

    A.soon people will be able to travel in a space lift

    B.scientists don’t think it is practical to build a space lift

    C.a space lift can only exist in science fiction

    D.difficulties need to be solved before scientists can develop a workable space lift


68.What is Andrew Petro’s attitude towards the space-lift project?

    A.Positive.       B.Negative.   C.Indifferent.   D.Suspicious.


67.Lasermotive didn’t get the top prize because ______.

    A.their robot didn’t reach the top

    B.they only managed to get their robot off the ground

    C.their robot didn’t reach the top within the time limit

    D.their robot didn’t move as fast as that of the Kansas City Space Pirate

