0  311405  311413  311419  311423  311429  311431  311435  311441  311443  311449  311455  311459  311461  311465  311471  311473  311479  311483  311485  311489  311491  311495  311497  311499  311500  311501  311503  311504  311505  311507  311509  311513  311515  311519  311521  311525  311531  311533  311539  311543  311545  311549  311555  311561  311563  311569  311573  311575  311581  311585  311591  311599  447090 

30.-Don’t give up!

   -But what can we do? I can’t see there is any _________ that we will win.

    A. doubt        B. wonder          C. problem          D. chance


29.-How about the number of hi-tech companies in Zhongguancun?


    A. Many        B. Large            C. Much            D. Most


28.-How lovely these children are!

   -Yeah. They __________ memories of my childhood.

    A. called out     B. called for         C. called up         D. called on


27.We are eager for peace and want to __________ any war in the world.

    A. break out      B. wipe out          C. make out         D. put out

