0  311591  311599  311605  311609  311615  311617  311621  311627  311629  311635  311641  311645  311647  311651  311657  311659  311665  311669  311671  311675  311677  311681  311683  311685  311686  311687  311689  311690  311691  311693  311695  311699  311701  311705  311707  311711  311717  311719  311725  311729  311731  311735  311741  311747  311749  311755  311759  311761  311767  311771  311777  311785  447090 

35.-Can I look at the menu for a few more minutes before I decide?

    -Of course.____, sir.

    A.Take your time                  B.It doesn't matter

    C.Enjoy yourself                  D.Make yourself at home


34.-Do you regret paying twenty dollars for the dictionary?

    -No.I ____ twice as much for it.

    A.gladly paid                       B.should gladly pay

    C.would gladly have paid           D.had gladly paid


33.I am wondering ____ he expects will win the gold medal in Men's Single.

    A.whom         B.who           C.which         D.what


32.The witness who appeared in court ____ to speak out the truth instead of covering it up.

    A.encouraged                     B.has been encouraging

    C.was encouraging                                 D.had been encouraged


31.Several years ago they found in England a tomb of a man ____ from around 2,300 B.C.

    A.dated         B.dating        C.dates         D.to date


30.-Why did you leave the water running in the sink?

    -My goodness! I guess I ____ to turn off the tap.

    A.forgot        B.have forgotten C.forget         D.had forgottten


29.Washington, a state in the United States, was named _____ one of the greatest American presidents.

    A.in favor of      B.by means of . C.in honour of    D.in spite of


28.____ you ask many different questions will you acquire all the information you need to know.

    A.If only         B.As far as       C.So long as     D.Only if


27.Have you ever wondered why some of the smartest students in your class sometimes ____ failing exams?

    A.take up       B.pick up        C.come up       D.end up

