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第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分)

The town of Pressure and the town of Pleasure were neighbors but they had nothing in common.Residents built walls to  36   influence from the other town.

In Pressure, everyone struggled to be the very  37   .When women gave birth, they would compete to have the baby with the loudest  38   .There was violent competition in every aspect of life.Because  39   was the symbol of success, people were always busy making money, with no time for relaxation.Some young people couldn’t   40   the intensity(紧张) and chose to drink to escape.

In Pleasure, the motto was:  41   you like it, do it.People grew up without pressure and  42   do anything they liked.Children played computer games day  43  night.At school, teachers didn’t care  44   students came or not.Workers might sit around the office all day long drinking coffee and doing  45   .Thanks to the lack of regulations, nobody worried about  46   their jobs.It was pleasure that  47   .The computers they used were old  48   from the town of Pressure.

Some of the young were addicted to drugs  49  the emptiness of their lives.Then, people in the two towns began asking themselves, “What is life  50   ?” But, just before life in the two towns completely  51   , there came a great person---Mr Reason.He went from door to door, talking with people and   52  advice.People in Pressure learnt to be content with what they had  53   people in Pleasure began to make plans.They  54   the walls between them and built a road to connect the two.The town’s people came to  55   the truth---there is no gap between Pressure and Pleasure if they don’t go to extremes.

36.A.pick out        B.put out        C.leave out     D.keep out

37.A.best           B.richest         C.worst         D.least

38.A.smile           B.laugh         C.cry          D.sign

39.A.wealth          B.health        C.happiness      D.pleasure

40.A.catch           B.bear          C.make         D.live

41.A.Even though         B.Unless        C.As long as      D.While

42.A.should        B.might         C.had          D.could

43.A.and           B.after         C.or       D.by

44.A.what          B.who         C.where         D.whether

45.A.nothing        B.something     C.anything        D.everything

46.A.finding          B.asking        C.doing        D.losing

47.A.mattered        B.cared         C.considered    D.minded

48.A.ones          B.those         C.that          D.one

49.A.compared to       B.thanks to       C.as a result      D.because of

50.A.for            B.at           C.in       D.to

51.A.gave          B.failed         C.lost        D.saved

52.A.following        B.taking       C.seeking      D.giving

53.A.when          B.as           C.while      D.since

54.A.pulled off         B.pulled down     C.pulled out       D.pulled up

55.A.tell            B.realize        C.perform        D.doubt


35.The Town Hall _____ in the 1800’s was the most distinguished building at that time.

A.to be completed                 B.having been completed 

C.completed                       D.being completed


34.---Guess what! I have got A for my term paper.

  ---Great! You ________ read widely and put a lot of work into it.

A.must          B.should          C.must have      D.should have


33.---Will you go skating with us this winter vacation?

  ---It _________.

A.all depends                    B.all depend        

C.is all depended                     D.is all depending


32.---We haven’t heard from Jane for a long time.

   ---What do you suppose _________ to her?

A.was happening                  B.to happen      

C.has happened                    D.having happened


31.I looked under ________ bed and found _________ book lost last week.

A.the; a        B.the; the       C.不填;the       D.the; 不填


30.--- I am sorry to have kept you waiting.

  --- ________, Bill.

A.You are welcome B.Go ahead        C.Don’t mention it    D.No problem


29.What do you think of the suggestion that she ________ at the meeting last week?

A.should make       B.make          C.made     D.A or B


28.______ in her most beautiful skirt, the girl tired to make herself ______ at the party.

A.Dressed; noticed               B.Dressing; noticed

C.Dressed; noticing               D.Dressing; being noticing


27.---You should apologize to her, Barry.

  ---___________, but it’s not going to be easy.

A.I suppose so       B.I feel so           C.I prefer to      D.I like to

