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21. -Could you tell me the way to ____ Williams, please?

    -Sorry, we don’t have ____ Williams here in the community.

  A. the; the            B. the; a            C. /; the     D. the; /


15.  Why did Allen go to grab his medicine after hearing Sherry’s words?

A.   Because he suddenly had a heart attack.                     

B.   Because he hoped to keep calm.                   

C.   Because he forgot to take his medicine due to his heart illness.        


Directions: In this section, you’ll hear a mini-talk. Listen carefully and then fill in the numbered blanks with the information you’ve got. Fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS.

 You’ll hear the mini-talk TWICE.

Some English laws
Contents concerned
The law about  16 
Not buying alcohol for people ___17____.
The law about noise
Not making ___18___ ,particular at night.
The law about crossing the road
Using the crossing for walking and not   19  
when crossing the roads.
The law about ____20____

Not throwing away wastes in the public places.



Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.


14. What was Allen involved in?

A.   The cases where he went against his wife’s will.

B.   The cases where he broke the laws.

C.   The cases where he murdered someone else.


13.  When did Mrs. Jones meet Sherry Palmer?

A.   In the evening.               B.   At midnight.                 C.   At night.


12. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A.   Teacher and student.

B.   Guide and visitor.

C.   Reporter and interviewee.

Conversation 6


11. How does the woman often spend her free time?

A.   Watching TV and reading.

B.   Watching a film and going dancing.

C.   Watching TV and going dancing.


10. When does the woman get to the swimming pool every day?

A.   7:30A.M.                   B.   7:00A.M.                   C.   6:45A.M.


9.   What is the woman’s cousin’s car like?

A.   It is a two-door car with power steering, power brakes,an air conditioner and no roof.

B.   It is a couple-door car with semi-automatic transmission, power brakes and power steering.

C.   It is a two-door car with power steering, automatic transmission and an air conditioner.              

Conversation 5


8.   Why does the woman’s cousin want to sell his car?

A.   Because he wants to go into the car business.

B.   Because he hopes to work abroad and won’t take it.

C.   Because he wants to change the old one for a new one.


7.   What brand is the man’s car?

A.   Chevrolet.               B.   Cheivrolet.              C.   Chevronet

