0  312149  312157  312163  312167  312173  312175  312179  312185  312187  312193  312199  312203  312205  312209  312215  312217  312223  312227  312229  312233  312235  312239  312241  312243  312244  312245  312247  312248  312249  312251  312253  312257  312259  312263  312265  312269  312275  312277  312283  312287  312289  312293  312299  312305  312307  312313  312317  312319  312325  312329  312335  312343  447090 

1.下列各组词语中加点的字,读音全都正确的一组是(   )

A. 头 xué   味shàn    一十寒pù     危如卵lěi   

B. 文fàn    趿拉tā    移默化qiǎn    趄不前zī   

C. 强jué    xué    管窥测 lí    头转向mēnɡ

D. 鸡zhūn   风gāng    级而上shí    卖官爵yù



3.词数120- 150

Possible version :

Dear Min,

It’s clear from your letter that your classmates unwillingly help or don’t show respect for you. 

However, it’s not necessary for you to feel so frustrated. Perhaps there is something resulting in their doing so. As is well known, everyone in GradeⅢ doesn’t want their attention to be disturbed or distracted, nor would they like their mind to be interrupted, but wants to focus more time and energy on their own studies. In addition, it is probably an inconvenient or impropriate moment when you consult your classmates, so they can’t spare time to answer your questions or work out your problems.

So the solution is all about your attitude. With your positive attitude, you will not feel that depressed. It’s common for everyone to have weaknesses and strengths. It is the fact that some students are good at a subject, while some have trouble with it. It is these characteristics, talents or personalities that make us different from others. What’s more important, someone who doesn’t treat you with respect will never be a good teacher for you. I strongly suggest that you find another classmate with whom to work. Finally, Improving any subject is a little bit about skill, a lot of hard work, , and a lot about confidence. It is wise of you to put more of your efforts into the subject, otherwise you will be stuck in the terrible situation of relying on someone who treats you very poorly. This way you can make improvements without having your feelings hurt. Try to stay away from the classmates who hurt your confidence. There is a saying that goes, “ It’s easier to tear down a fence than it is to melt the ice in hearts.

  I hope that my suggestions will be helpful.


Conversation 1

W: Hey, David. Congratulations! I heard you just had a paper published. M: Thanks, Mary. News travels fast around here. W: Professor Smith told me. Shall we have dinner and celebrate together? M: Good idea! W: Where shall we go? M: How about going to the Sichuan restaurant nearby? W: It’s a good place, but the food may be too hot for me. M: Well, where do you want to go? W: Let’s go to the Guangdong restaurant and eat some seafood. M: Great. Let’s go. Conversation2

M: Hello, 3477863. W: Can I speak to Mr. White? M: Speaking. W: Good morning. Mrs. Green here. We are having a little party at my place next Friday. I wonder if you and your wife would care to come. M: That sounds nice. What time is it? W: About half past seven. M: Well, I’ll have to check with my wife of course, though I’m pretty sure we’re free then. Shall I call you back? W: That’ll be fine. By the way, I hear you’ve been to Hong Kong lately, I hope you had a good time. M: Very nice, thanks. Conversation3

W: I need to buy disks, at least two disk holders, note cards, that kind of stuff. M: For office supplies, I suggest Office Max. Or Comp USA. One good thing about living in a campus town, though, is that you can get all of that stuff in bookstores. No doubt they do overcharge. I try to get around that by shopping around. W: Shopping around? M: Yes. That simply means you go to different stores, check out the prices of items you need and purchase them from the stores with the lowest prices. W: I see. Sounds very practical. Where is Office Max located? M: There''s one in the mall, so we can stop by there this afternoon. W: Great! Thanks. M: Hey, Masa. Just so you know, you can always run to the discount stores whenever you're out of something you need right away. There are several around campus. They don't usually carry milk, though, so you might want to walk down to White Hen, Walgreens, or some other convenience store close by. W: Good advice!

 Conversation 4

M: I have homework in 3 subjects tonight. It will take ages. W: Me too, but I should be able to finish it in an hour and a half. I have English: modal verbs, history and media studies. M: Yes and I have extra work in English. W: Why? M: Miss Bonnet gave me extra because last week’s was "not good enough". I don''t like English and Miss Bonnet doesn't like me. W: I don't like history so I must try harder. My Dad says I must work hard in the subjects I am not so good at, so I can get good grades. M: I get bored in Miss Bonnet’s class and a headache. I know I won't finish the homework. W: Why don't we do it together tonight? M: Great! Let’s do media studies first. I like Mr. Brian's class, he praises me and gives me confidence. W: And I know it is your favourite subject! M: You like English because Miss Bonnet praises you! W: And it is one of my best subjects. Miss Bonnet helps me to get good grades. If I get good grades I will be able to go to university and get a good job like my Dad. He is a top architect. They say that Miss Bonnet’s students get the best grades in school. M: Let's go to my house and get started.


W: Where will we stay when we arrive in Birmingham? M: A hotel! W: No way, it's far too expensive. M: Maybe a hostel, there are cheap hostels all over the world. W: But we may have to share with other people, maybe 6 or even 8 ... strangers. M: That might be very interesting, meeting young people from all over the world. W: Yes. ... who come home late, make lots of noise, and eat the food you’ve left in the fridge, while you queue for the bathroom M: Sharing is very cheap though; maybe as much as £10 a night with breakfast. W: Staying with a host family is a better idea, I think. M: It might be expensive. W: Maybe not. You pay for each night you stay. You get a breakfast and a cooked meal each evening. M: Mm, all the home comforts. W: Yes and if they are really nice, you may get your own TV in your room. M: ... and if they are not nice? W: No problem. You have your own room so you have your privacy. The big idea is that you eat with your ''hosts''. You learn about their culture and improve your English. M: What if you come home late or change plans? W: The idea is for you to discuss and make plans which everyone is happy with. You need to be flexible. Remember, they will get paid: maybe £20-25 a night. But they also register so that they can meet interesting people, and learn about their culture and language. A friend of mine told me “you get out of it only as much as you put in.” M.: O.K. You’ve convinced me. Let's ring the agency.


W: Hi, Frank. Have you finished grading the term paper? M: Yeah. Only slept 4 hours last night and it was broken sleep. It nearly killed me. W: Hum. It’s always hard work. I stayed up very late myself too. M: Well, I got a bit fed up with all the teaching plan writing, homework checking and the grading. Thank God it’s the end of the term. I’m certainly going out for some fun tonight. Do you have any plans? W: Mary and I are going to the pub. Do you feel like joining us? M: Er, no, thanks. Don’t think I’d be able to deal with all those headaches afterwards. I’d prefer a film with a good story. W: Sound like a great idea. Here’s the entertainment section. Look through and pick one you’re interested in. Maybe we can join you in the cinema and go for the drinks after that. M: Flyboys is playing at 9.30 pm. It’s a film about the American soldiers in World War I. W: No, that’s too late. Is there anything on around 7:30? So that Mary and I can still drop in at that nice little pub near the cinema. M: Well, how about this Chinese film? The Banquet. At 7:40. It’s very popular. Interesting story and excellent director. W: Alright. Let’s see that then. I’ll ring Mary to check whether it’s OK with her. M: Fine. If you’re going, I’ll meet you in the car park. Say 5:40, when we finish work. We can still have time for some food before that.

Text 7

For those who may not have heard of it, MySpace is a huge "social networking" website that is very popular in the US now. As of early 2007, nearly half of the US people over the age of 14 had at least one MySpace account. The number of accounts has reached about 150 million. And every day thousands of new accounts are created.   There are two important differences between MySpace and Facebook, another popular US social network on the web. First, their creators are different types of people. Facebook was created by Mark Zuckerberg when he was at Harvard University. MySpace, on the other hand, was created by a number of singers. People use MySpace to share music with each other. In fact, most of US singers have their own space on the site. Secondly, Facebook is only available to students in high schools or colleges while MySpace can be used by anyone about the age of 14, no matter if he or she is.

Myspace and Facebook

Huge 17social networking websites in the USA
The number of Myspace16 accounts
About 15. million
The differences between them
18 Creators
Facebook: Mark Zuckerberg
Myspace: a great number of singers
19 Users/Visitors/ Explorers
Facebook:  students in high schools and college
Myspace: 20singers and anyone, about aged 14






83. What negative effects does the Nook have to Barnes and Noble?(not more than15 words)

Perhaps the Nook’s a money-loser, or at least a job loser for their employees. 84. List at least two new features of the Nook.(24 words)

Lending an e-book to your friend and returning after two weeks; Color touch screen; Reading them free by Wi-Fi in their stores.

Section C

Directions: Write an English composition according to the instructions given below in Chinese.


Dear editor,

I’m a student in senior three, not good at math. I sometimes get help from my seatmate in class. However, every time he helps me , he is a little impatient and even calls me a fool .Sometimes I turn to the students doing well in math, but they pretend not to be able to help or respond unwillingly. When these happened a few days ago, I could not help crying when I got home. I think if I did well in my studies, they wouldn’t treat me like that. What can I do ?

你读完他的信后请你写一封信给Min, 信的要求如下:


82. Why were E- book users denied the pleasure of lending a favorite read to a friend?(not more than16 words)

Because they couldn’t lend their favorite E- book to your friend to read as they can now


81. What favorite read did a booklover lend to his friend in the past?(not more than2 words)

  Physical books.


79. plentiful cookery programs  80. Setting international standards

Section B (10分)

  Directions: Read the following passage. Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage and required words limit. Write your answers on your answer sheet.

BOOKLOVERS, most of them, will tell you what a pleasure it is to lend a favorite read to a friend – the novel you stayed up all night to get to the end of the travel book that made you feel as if you yourself were on a train ride through India, For a while it seemed that e-book users were to be denied this pleasure of lending to friends. You could buy a book or magazine for your reading device, but you couldn’t lend it out.

But now, with the Nook, the US book chain Barnes and Noble’s response to Amazon’s Kindle, electronic readers will be able to press their latest literary enthusiasm on their friends, just as readers of physical books booklovers used to lend to his friend can. Y simply email the book from your Nook and your friend can read t for two weeks, using any device with the Barnes & Noble e-book reader software. It’s a big improvement from previous e-book readers.

The Nook offers other features too. You read in black and white on the main screen, just like with Kindle. The difference is that on the lower part of the device there’s a color touch screen. It allows you to flip through a book or magazine, but goes black when you’re not using it so that you save power.

Another exciting thing about the Nook is that it offers Wi-Fi, arguably a big advance on previous e-book readers. Customers in the United States can use the Internet connection to read whole e-books at Barnes and Noble’s hundreds of bookstores for free. None of Barnes and Noble’s competitors can come close to this.

But the Nook, ironically, might just turn out to be a money-loser for Barnes and Noble, or at least a job loser for Barnes and Noble’s employees. According to Marian Maneker at The Big Money Website, if the Nook is successful it might take sales from the company’s bookstores, eventually forcing their closure and the loss of thousands of jobs.


77. Better/ Improved international reputation      78. The addition


74. The Sunday roast 75. fewer / limited ingredients   76. The tendency of

