0  312184  312192  312198  312202  312208  312210  312214  312220  312222  312228  312234  312238  312240  312244  312250  312252  312258  312262  312264  312268  312270  312274  312276  312278  312279  312280  312282  312283  312284  312286  312288  312292  312294  312298  312300  312304  312310  312312  312318  312322  312324  312328  312334  312340  312342  312348  312352  312354  312360  312364  312370  312378  447090 

8. Generally speaking, one sounds more polite if he/she makes a request ______ a question.

A. in want of        B. in memory of      C. in favor of        D. in form of


7. The loss caused by the latest typhoon Parma couldn’t be ______ accurately, but it is believed to have reached billions.

A. considered         B. controlled         C. calculated        D. completed


6. The Nobel Physics Prize was announced, _____ three scientists for two discoveries that have greatly changed modern life.

A. honoring          B. honored          C. honor        D. to honor


5. Life is like a long race where we compete with others to go ______ ourselves.

A. within             B. over             C. through          D. beyond   


4. Kids in Moziqiao Primary School were so excited _____ they got the news that an American exchange delegation would visit their school.

A. where             B. that        C. when            D. why


3. This camera is of good quality. If it ______ break down within the first year, we would repair it at our expense.

A. would             B. should           C. could            D. might


2. --- Sorry, Linda! I have to _______ now. Mum is calling me for supper.

---Ok, I’ll call back later. Enjoy your supper. 

A. hang up        B. break up         C. give up           D. hold up


第一节  单项填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)

从A, B, C, D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

1. Panama,____ country in Central America, is the only place in the world ____ someone can see the sun rise on the Pacific Ocean and set on the Atlantic.

A. the, in what         B. a, where          C. /, where          D. a, which



(1)1︰1 (2分)

(2)① AC  (2分) 

② = (2分);由电荷守恒可得:c (Na+)+ c (H+) = c(OH-)+ c(A),因为c (H+) =  c(OH-), 所以c (Na+) = c(A) (2分)

(3)ABC (3分)(少一个答案扣1分,选错不给分)




(2)Na+[︰H ]-  (2分)   H-O-Cl(2分)

(3)NaOH (aq) + HCl (aq)= H2O(l) +NaCl(aq) ;△H=-100Q kJ / mol(3分)

(4)3 H2O2 + 6 Fe2+ = 2Fe(OH)3↓+ 4Fe3+(3分)



     现象:Na 与水剧烈反应产生气体 ,铝与水无明显现象。(2分)


