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  (3温总理(Premier Wen说尽管中国仍然有大约四千万人生活在贫困中,但会尽最大的努力与全球变暖作战。


    注意:参考词汇:the Danish capital丹麦首都,summit峰会,funds资金


第一节  短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分

There have two opinions about the origin of the Mao suit. Some say         76.  

Sun Yat-sen bought one in Japan and it named the " Zhongshan suit" .Others      77.  

say it was a suit Sun ordered at a Shanghai tailor shop and gave the detailing      78.  

politics implications(含义.The suit used to have four pockets, five front        79.  

buttons, and three cuff(袖口buttons. The four pockets represented the

traditional" Four Virtue " of Chinese culture.                             80.  

Professor Li attended an opening ceremony in America with his husband.     81.  

The invitation letter asked men to wear suits with a bow tie. His husband         82.  

decided to wear a Mao suit. It won praise.

It was more popular several decades ago, but now a fewer people are interest  83.  

in wearing a Mao suit because they have more choices. Chinese leaders include    84.  

HuJintao, therefore, continue to wear the Mao suit on important occasions, such as 85.  

the nation's anniversary celebrations.


35.Thank you , but I’ll have to      you offer.

    A.turn away       B.turn down      C.turn back       D.turn off


34.This painting is splendid, but     we actually need it is a different matter.

    A.that           B.what          C.whether        D.how

