0  313358  313366  313372  313376  313382  313384  313388  313394  313396  313402  313408  313412  313414  313418  313424  313426  313432  313436  313438  313442  313444  313448  313450  313452  313453  313454  313456  313457  313458  313460  313462  313466  313468  313472  313474  313478  313484  313486  313492  313496  313498  313502  313508  313514  313516  313522  313526  313528  313534  313538  313544  313552  447090 

32. located 后置定语,相当于which was located in the valley below.


31. an  地震earthquake第一次出现,而且以元音开头,所以用不定冠词an



21. C: 占据,占用。由句子可知是被敌人占据的领域。

22. B: come to oneself 表示苏醒过来。

23. B: in charge 表示负责、管理

24. D: 根据上下文得知那些女孩学习怎样当护士。

25. A: disguise假装,伪装

26. B: at a distance 是固定短语,表示“稍远”

27. D: 从后面的“turning away…”,可知此处是“shy”

28. A: 根据上下文表示“无法忍受”

29. D: 从“cooking”一词知道其工作的地点是在厨房kitchen

30. A: step back 表示“后退”




M: What do you think of this drawing of mine, Mary?

W: It’s great!

M: The students from our school are going to hold a drawing competition next week.

W: I heard about that. Are you going to take part in it?

M: Yes. I’m going to enter this drawing competition. What do you think?

W: I hale to tell you, but I heard through a friend that Henry is entering the competition.

M: Really? I wish you hadn’t told me.

W: Oh, come on. Your drawing is great.

M: Sure. But Henry is really good at drawing, and he’s much better than I.

W: So what?

M: I wish I knew if I was wasting my time.

W: If you knew what the future was going to be like, life would be very boring. Don’t worry about the competition.

M: You’re right. I’m sorry. I’m driving you crazy. Let’s change the subject. Do you have more bad news?

W: No. That’s all for today. Anyhow, I still wish you success in the competition.

M: Many thanks.


W: Hello, everyone. Our next stop will be the final destination today, Disneyland. Now, I’d like to announce today’s schedule. We are going to spend the whole day here. We’ve paid for all the tickets. So you don’t need to spend any money on the gate tickets. But this doesn’t include any food or drinks. So if you want to eat or drink something, you must buy it yourself. We are going to go in five groups and every group can decide what to do. But remember to get back to the main gate at 6:30 in the afternoon. No one is to be late. Any questions?

M: I have one question. If we get lost, what can we do?

W: I forgot to tell you about that. You can call me, my cell phone number is 13690526719.

M: But we were told before that cell phone calls here are very expensive.

W: Yes, that is true, because you are connecting with your telephone company back in China. It is intersectional connection. But you can send me instant message. It is much cheaper. Any more questions?

M: Where can we find WC?

W: Here, WC is called the bathroom. If you need that, you can also ask the park assistant for help. They are always ready to help.


   Why do people play football? It’s a stupid game, and dangerous, too. Twenty-two men fight for two hours to kick a ball into a net. They get more black eyes than goals. On dry, hard patches they break their bones. On muddy ones they sprain their muscles. Footballers must be mad. And why do people watch football? They must be mad, too. They certainly shout and scream like mad men. In fact, I’m afraid to go out when there is football match. The crowds are so dangerous. I’d rather stay at home and watch TV. But what happens when I switch on the TV? They’re showing a football match. So I turn on the radio. What do I hear? The latest football scores. And what do I see when I open a newspaper? Photos of footballers, interviews with footballers, reports of football matches. Footballers are the heroes of the twentieth century. They’ re rich and famous. Why? Because they can kick a ball around. How stupid! Everyone seems to be mad about football. But I’m not. Down with football, I say.


W: Sorry, I’ll late, Tom.

M: That’s all right, Rita. Where have you been?

W: At the police station. I’ve lost my handbag. Or perhaps someone’s taken it. I don’t know.

M: Oh, no. What happened? Sit down. Was there anything important in it?

W: Important! My checkbook and all the papers I need for work.

M: Oh, that’s terrible. But how did you lose it?

W: Well, as you know. I was with a friend all morning and we had lunch together. After lunch, I went shopping. And when I wanted to buy something, I couldn’t find my checkbook. Then I remembered that it was in my handbag. And my handbag was in my car.

M: So you went back to your car.

W: Yes. But I didn’t find it there.

M: And then you went to the police station?

W: Not immediately. Before I went to the police station, I called my friend.

M: You should go to the restaurant where you had lunch and look for it.

W: Oh, I never thought of that.

M: You’d better telephone the manager right away.


“Stop thief”, I yelled as I came out of the movie theater and saw that my bike was being stolen. It was Saturday afternoon and I had just finished watching a movie with a friend. We had both ridden our bikes from home to the movie theater because it was too far to walk. When we arrived at the movie theater I realized I had forgotten my keys. The movie was just about to start and I didn’t have time to go back home and fetch my keys. So, instead, I placed the bike lock around the tire to make it appear that the bike was locked. My friend told me it was a bad idea, but I refused to go back home since I really wanted to see the movie. Sure enough, someone stole my bike.

The thief was already too far away to catch him by the time I exited the movie theater and caught a glimpse of him. As soon as he heard me yelling, he got on the bike and raced away. However, I was not completely out of luck. I recognized the boy who stole my bike. He was two years older than me and was one of the best baseball players in town. “Why would he steal my bike?” I thought to myself. Although I couldn’t answer that question, I did know where to find him.

The next day I went to the baseball field in the middle of town. People usually play baseball on Sunday and I thought there was a good chance I would find my baseball-playing thief there. Just as I thought, after about an hour of waiting, the boy who stole my bike arrived. Before I could confront him he left the bike and went to play baseball. To my surprise he didn’t lock the bike!I waited a minute and then ran over to the bike, jumped on, and sped away, I successfully re-stole my bike!

第二节     听取信息

Today we have the second of two reports explaining how to prepare fish by drying them for future use.

We talked last week about the first steps of cleaning and salting freshly caught fish. Internet users who missed that report can find it at . To dry fish, you will need either a drying table or a place to hang them. If a table is used, it should have a top made of wire screen or thin pieces of wood with space between each piece. Lay the cleaned, wet salted fish on top of the table. Do not let them touch each other. Be sure that air can reach the fish from all sides, including the top and bottom. Build a small smoky fire under the drying table for the first day to keep the flies away. After that, you can keep the flies away by covering the fish with a thin cloth. Do not let the cloth touch the fish.

Fish taste better if they are out of bright sunlight while they are being dried. For best results, put the drying table under a tree. Turn the fish over every other day. Small fish will dry in about three days if the air is dry. Large fish will take a week or ten days to dry. After the fish have dried, place them in a basket. Cover them with clean paper or large leaves. Then put the basket in a cool, dry place, not on the ground.




第二节 读写任务(共1小题,满分25分)

Boys and girls,

   I am very glad to give you a talk about how to live a healthy life.

    We may often be affected by different viruses. However, we can avoid them if we form some good habits, such as eating healthy food, drinking plenty of water, having enough sleep and keeping a positive attitude.

   As we all know, viruses can cause several serious diseases, such as the flu and AIDS. So it is necessary for us to form healthy habits to fight against those viruses. There are many good habits. Take my own for example, I drink a glass of milk every morning and do exercise every day after finishing my classes, which can help me build up a strong body. Apart from those, we can also keep away from viruses by having balanced diets; keeping our body clean and living a regular life. To sum up, it is very important for us to form good habits. Let’s defeat viruses together and live a healthy life.

                                   Thank you!



第一节 基础写作(共1小题,满分15分)

   As is known to all, the 16th Asian Games will be held in Guangzhou ,China from November 12 to 27, 2010. It’s said that there will be 42 events for the coming feast, the most events ever to be competed in the history of the Asian Games. Guangzhou successfully won the right to host the Asian Games on July 1,2004 , becoming the second host city of the Asian Games after Beijing in China. To make the Asian Games more special and unforgettable, at present, Guangzhou government is making every effort to improve the traffic situation as well as create a beautiful environment. As a volunteer, I would be much honored if I could offer help to the foreign guests and play a part in appealing to the people to protect the environment.


36.laughter   37. dreaming   38.known /be known   39.what    40.your


21 C  22 B  23 B   24 D   25 A   26 B   27 D   28 A    29 D   30 A

31. an     32. located    33.however      34.than     35.for


1-5  BABCB       6-10  ABCBC      11-15  BCCBA

16.drying table      17. air       18. smoky fire  19. every other day  20. cool, dry

