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诚信是处事之本。 但是在中学生当中,考试作弊、抄袭作业、欺骗家长和老师等现象屡见不鲜。 请你对以上种种现象作简要描述, 并以How to guarantee honesty为题,从三个方面,谈谈如何保证学生做到诚信。

注意: 1、次数: 120左右。

    2、 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

How to guarantee honesty

As well all know, honesty is always an essential principle of living. Much to our regret, however, ·····································

Honesty is the best policy, which is what we should keep in mind all the time.



30. The old woman at the street corner must be lost. She is looking around____for someone to help her.

    A. skillfully        B. extremely       C. accidentally      D. desperately


29. I expected too much of Jonatham, but what he has done really ____ me ____. Now I begin to wonder if I can still rely on him.

    A. Give out        B. Put up          C. Call in          D. Let down

