0  314332  314340  314346  314350  314356  314358  314362  314368  314370  314376  314382  314386  314388  314392  314398  314400  314406  314410  314412  314416  314418  314422  314424  314426  314427  314428  314430  314431  314432  314434  314436  314440  314442  314446  314448  314452  314458  314460  314466  314470  314472  314476  314482  314488  314490  314496  314500  314502  314508  314512  314518  314526  447090 

35.Beijing was attacked by such a terrible sandstorm ______ few citizens had ever experienced before.

     A.what             B.as                C.that              D.which


34.There ______ be any difficulty passing the final exam since you've practised a lot in your study.

     A.mustn't          B.shan't            C.shouldn't         D.needn't


33.Having no access to the outside world, the villagers living in remote mountains ______ with various life of the modern world.

     A.get in touch       B.are in touch       C.keep in touch     D.are out of touch


32.The doctor always turned up ______ he was most needed.No wonder he was called "doctor sent by God".

     A.the place where                         B.in the place

     C.in which                                D.where


31.As many as 150 miners died in the accident.If only the mine-owners ______ enough attention to the safety measures!

     A.paid              B.should pay        C.would pay        D.had paid


30.We must take measures to protect endangered wildlife ______ it is too late.

     A.as long as         B.when             C.before            D.until


29.The students were just about to ______ the question when one of them found the answer.

     A.look for           B.come out         C.take to           D.give up


28.-Did Peter fix the computer himself?

     -He _____ because he doesn' t know much about computers.

     A.has it fixed        B.fixed it            C.had it fixed        D.had fixed it


27.-Did you watch the movie 2012 last night?

     -I had planned to, but it _____ hard all the time.

     A.is snowing        B.was snowing      C.has snowed       D.had snowed


26.______ all the poor in the world enjoy a Happy New Year as we do!

     A.Wish             B.May              C.Hope             D.Must

