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  One day ,in Philadelphia, three men walked into 30th Street Station. One of them went to the Information Centre in the main lobby to check the departure-arrival listings. There he  21  out that the three o’clock train to New York was going to leave an hour late that day. When he told his friends about the  22   ,another man suggested that they all  23   to a nearby bar to wait .So  24  they went.

  About an hour  25   they returned to the station laughing and joking and relaxed. When they arrived at the right track ,they saw the train was already moving slowly  26   the station.

  All three men ran after the train  27   ,“Wait! wait! Come back!”Two of them  28   up with the last carriage(车厢),  29   the railing of the rear stage, pulled themselves up, and  30  the moving train. By this time, the third man  31   running .As he hopelessly watched the train  32   out of the station he could still see his friends wave and  33   them call. At first he had a 34   look on his face .Then after a brief moment ,he turned away and slapped his knees as he laughed  35   laughed.

  A man  36   nearby, who had seen it all, turned to him and asked,“What’s so  37   ,fellow? After all ,your two friends made  38   and you didn’t.”

  The man was still laughing so hard that he had tears in his eyes in his eyes as he  39   ,“You don’t understand! Those two guys came to see me  40   !”

B. made 
C. sought  
D. found
B. accident  
C. relay
D. lateness
B. run
C. go
D. ran
B. in
C. off
D. much
B. later
C. after
D. before
B. on
C. off
D. out of
B. speaking
C. talking
D. shouting
B. brought
C. kept
D. went
B. held
C. took
D. shook
B. went
C. arrived
D. got
B. began
C. continued
D. started
B. push
C. pull
D. take
B. notice
C. watch
D. make
B. excited
C. wondered
D. confused
B. and
C. after
D. again
B. reading
C. moving
D. laughing
B. mad
C. exciting
D. funny
B. that
C. this
D. way
B. replied
C. regretted
D. denied
B. run
C. off
D. again


20、A modern city has been set up in ____was a wasteland ten years ago.

A、what     B、which     C、that       D、where


19、--You don’t go to that supermarket quite often,do you?

--No,I only go there      because it’s too far away from my house.

A、eventually   B、constantly    C、occasionally   D、frequently


18、--Do you think Bill is coming to attend the conference?

   --Sure .I have      him to .

  A、supposed    B、advised     C、persuaded    D、suggested.


17、Was it in the village       we used to live in      the accident happened?

  A、where ;that   B、which ;that    C、that; where   D、where ;which


16、My mother had to give the door man a tip        he would help her with her suitcases.

  A、when      B、unless      C、before     D、until


15、The poor man,       ,ran out of the dark cave .

  A、trembled and frightened        B、trembling and frightened

  C、trembled and frightening        D、trembling and frightening


14、There are forty students in our class,      have taken that kind of examination.

  A、none of them   B、none of whom   C、all of them  D、both of whom


13、The next train         at platform 2 will be the 7:45 to Edinburgh.

  A、to arrive    B、having arrived   C、arriving   D、to be arriving


12、Only by shouting at the top of his voice        .

  A、was he able to make himself hear

  B、he was able to make himself hear.

  C、he was able to make himself heard

  D、was he able to make himself heard .

