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19.Someone is ringing the doorbell.Go and see      

   A.who is he        B.who he is        C.Who is it         D.who it is


18.The doctor advised Vera strongly that she should take a holiday, but     didn’t help.

   A.which           B.she             C.it               D.he


17.I go to the cinema     .

   A.every two weeks                    B.every second weeks

   C.each two weeks                      D.each other week


16.-Go for a picnic this weekend,OK?

   -   I’d love In spend weekends with friends.

   A.Why not?                          B.I’m afraid not.

   C.1 believe not.                      D.I don’t think so.


15.He was about to tell me the secret    someone patted(拍)him on the shoulder.

   A.as             B.when           C.while           D.then


14.Follow this plan,and we will do the job better with    money and   people.

A.1ess:less                         B.fewer; fewer      

C.1ess;fester                       D.fewer;less


13.We must pay attention to our diet,otherwise our health will      

   A.break away        B.break down       C.break up         D.break out


12.-Sorry you’11 have to war for a day or two and then your dress    

  -OK.I’ll come to fetch it then.

   A.is finished                         B.will be finished

   C.has been finished                    D.will have finished


11.-Bob    for Beijing, would you like to see him off with me?

   -Yes. His plane   at 8:00 tomorrow morning.

   A.will leave;is taking off                B.is leaving;takes off

   C.is leaving;is taking off                D.will leave;took off


10.The number of people who    English as a foreign language    more than 750 million.

   A.learn:is         B.1earn;are       C.learns;is         D.learns;are

