0  315403  315411  315417  315421  315427  315429  315433  315439  315441  315447  315453  315457  315459  315463  315469  315471  315477  315481  315483  315487  315489  315493  315495  315497  315498  315499  315501  315502  315503  315505  315507  315511  315513  315517  315519  315523  315529  315531  315537  315541  315543  315547  315553  315559  315561  315567  315571  315573  315579  315583  315589  315597  447090 

7. – Have you heard from Janet recently?

  -- No, but I ___ her over Christmas.

A. saw              B. will be seeing

C. have seen           D. have been seen


6. A middle-aged woman came ___ to the bus stop only ___ the bus had gone.

A. to run; to find          B. running; to find

C. and ran; finding         D. running; finding


5. You should try to get a good night’s sleep ___ much work you have to do.

A. however            B. no matter

C. although            D. whatever


4. We have ___ in your bill the cost of the teapot you broke just now.

A. increased            B. included

C. contained            D. charged


3. John may phone tonight. I don’t want to go out ___ he phones.

A. as long as           B. in order that

C. in case             D. so that


2. He sat ___ against the wall and listened to the teacher ___.

  A. close; close           B. closely; closely

C. closely; close          D. close; closely


1. Those flowers are so special that I would do ___ I can to save them.

  A. whatever            B. no matter what

C. whichever           D. that


2. whatever (however) + n.-clauses

  e.g. I’ll just say whatever comes into my head.

Whoever breaks the law should be punished.


  whatever / however / … + adv.-clauses = no matter what / how / …

  Keep calm, whatever happens.

      = no matter what

Step 4  Multiple choice for consolidation


1. in case + clause

  e.g. In case anything important happens, please contact me in time.


  In case of fire, please call 119.

  You’d better take an umbrella in case.

  in this / that / on / any / many case(s)


10.  supplies of food

e.g. The draught-hit areas are more dependent upon supplies of food.


1)    n.

a supply of food

a food supply

supplies of food

food supplies

2)    vt.

supply A to B

  supply B with A

Step 3  Related language points ---- two important drills

