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4、下列各句中加点的成语使用恰当的一句是           (   )






3]    是公安机关,任何公共权力部门    不应该接受“具有利害关系的企业和个人”任何形式的捐助和馈赠。

A.萎缩   抢救   不但/也  

B.畏缩   抢救   不但/都

C.畏缩   营救   不单/也  

D.萎缩   营救   不单/都


2]到记者发稿时,在这次煤矿瓦斯爆炸事件中已有16人遇难,4人失踪,   及善后工作仍在紧张有序地进行。


1]“非典”的袭击非但没有使我国人民   ,反而增强了全国人民万从一心战胜困难的凝聚力。


3、依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是       (   )


2、下列各组词语中没有错别了的一组是           (   )

A.跋扈 惘然若失  了了无几  一言以蔽之

B.椭圆  淹没无闻 沽名钓誉  万变不离其宗

C.睿智 沧海一粟风烛残年 众口铄金积毁销骨

D.昏厥 老态龙钟转瞬即逝 学富五车材高八斗


1、下列词语中加点的字的读音完全相同的一组是       (   )

     A.自刭 陷阱 脖颈  杀一儆百  美好憧憬

     B.梦魇 俨然 衍变  奄奄一息  偃旗息鼓

     C.缔造 孝悌 谛听  瓜熟蒂落  递交申请

     D.椒兰 跌跤 暗礁  一代天骄  骁勇善战


32. turn off / on打开

  turn over翻身,反复考虑,翻(书页),翻转

  turn out证明为,结果,制造成品

  turn to转向,求助

  turn down调低,拒绝

  turn against变得敌视,反对

  turn away打发走,驱逐,转过脸去

  turn back返回,转回去

  turn round转过身来

  turn up向上翻,露面,出现,音量调大

  turn in上缴

  turn upside down把倒置,弄得乱七八糟

  1) The child turned __________ its mother for comfort.

  2) Turn ___________ and let me see your face.

  3) However much he turned the problem ________ in mind, he could find no satisfactory solution.

  4) The English evening party turned _________ a great success.

  5) The sight of the accident was too much for her to bear, and she turned _______.

  6) The football stadium was full, and many people had to be turned __________.

  7) The army turned him ___________ on account of (因为) his poor health.

  8) She turned the whole house ___________ in her search for her missing purse.

  9) Where did your purse turn ____________? I found it in the snow.

  10) The villagers suddenly turned __________ the foreigners who lived nearby.

  11) The factory turns ____________ 2000 new cars last year.

  (to, round, over, out, away, away, down, upside down, up, against, out)


31. think of想起         think of…as把…看作

  think out想出        think up想出

  think about考虑       think over仔细考虑

  think well of sb. 对某人看法好


30. take off脱掉,起飞     take on呈现 雇佣

  take away拿走       take in吸收,领会

  take up从事,占用(时间空间)

  take down记录,取下    take back收回

  take for误认为       take along随身带

  take over接管        take out

  1) I take _________ all I said about his dishonesty.

  2) He went to the shelf and took __________ a book of poems.

  3) At first I took him _________ a doctor.

  4) I can see that most of you have taken ________ everything that the teacher taught.

  5) Bill has now taken __________ his father's business.

  6) My job takes __________ most of my time.

  7) The boss took ____________ twenty people for his new company.

  (back, down, for, in, over, up, on)

  take charge of负责, take sth. for granted想当然, take hold of抓住, take pride in以… ……为自豪, take the place of, 代替take turns to do轮流做, take office就职

