0  316671  316679  316685  316689  316695  316697  316701  316707  316709  316715  316721  316725  316727  316731  316737  316739  316745  316749  316751  316755  316757  316761  316763  316765  316766  316767  316769  316770  316771  316773  316775  316779  316781  316785  316787  316791  316797  316799  316805  316809  316811  316815  316821  316827  316829  316835  316839  316841  316847  316851  316857  316865  447090 

43. A. In          B. By        C. On             D. Across


42. A. sideways      B. backwards     C. upwards         D. alongside


41. A. continued    B. lasted       C. went             D. picked


40. A. simple         B. interesting     C. confusing         D. hard


39. A. Silent         B. Calm        C. Still          D. Quiet


38. A. soul           B. work         C. spirit             D. class


37. A. desert         B. grass         C. water             D. wood


36. A. lain         B. lied      C. lay          D. laid


55.A.fond of         B.afraid for       C.sure of        D.interested in

答案  36-40  BDABC  41-45  DACAB  46-50  DCADB  51-55  CAADC



Love of a Lifetime

Once upon a time a teacher and his student___36___down under the big tree near the big___37___ area. Then suddenly the student asked the teacher. "Teacher, I'm confused, how do we find our___38___mate? Can you please help me?"   ___39___for a few seconds, the teacher then answered, "Well, it's a pretty___40___but an easy question. " The teacher___41___, "Look that way, there is a lot of grass, why don't you walk there? Please don't walk___42___, just walk straight ahead. ___43___the way, try to find a blade of ___44___grass and pick it up and then give it to me. But just one. "   The student said, "Well, OK then... wait for me... " and walked straight ahead to the grassy field. A few minutes___45___the student came back.   The teacher asked, "Well, I don't see a beautiful blade of grass in your hand. "   The student said, "On my journey, I found quite___46___beautiful blade of grass, but I thought that I would find a better one, so I didn't pick it. But I didn't realize that I was at the end of the field, and I___47___any___48___you told me not to go back, therefore I didn't go back. " The teacher said, "That's___49___will happen in real life. "   What is the___50___of this story? In the story, grass is the people around you, the beautiful blade of grass is the people that___51___you and the grassy field is___52___. ___53___looking for your soul mate, please don't always compare and expect there ___54___a better one. By doing that, you'll___55___your lifetime, bcause remember "Time Never Goes Back".


54.A.cruelly        B.tensely        C.friendly       D.mildly

