0  316757  316765  316771  316775  316781  316783  316787  316793  316795  316801  316807  316811  316813  316817  316823  316825  316831  316835  316837  316841  316843  316847  316849  316851  316852  316853  316855  316856  316857  316859  316861  316865  316867  316871  316873  316877  316883  316885  316891  316895  316897  316901  316907  316913  316915  316921  316925  316927  316933  316937  316943  316951  447090 

37. A. lives         B. graduates      C. separates       D. visits


36. A. sister’s        B. teacher’s      C. roommate’s  D. mother’s


50.A.on         B.of         C.with        D.at

答案  31-35: A B B D C  36-40: A C B C B   41-45: B A C B B  46-50: C A B D C

Passage 50


   I watch her and her mother decorate her college dormitory room. Everything is in place, organized and arranged. Her room nicely accommodates not only her clothes and brie-a-brae, but her   36   as well. I begin to accept that her room at home is no longer hers. It is now ours, our room for her when she   37   .

   I  38  myself thinking of when I held her in the cradle of my arm, in the chair alongside my wife’s hospital bed. So  39   , so beautiful, so perfect, so   40   dependent on her new,   41   parents. How time flies!

Now she raises her head, catching me   42   at her, causing her to say to her mother, “Mom, isn’t it  43  that Dad is looking at me that way?”

   These days, I touch her face, her shoulder and her arm,   44    that when my wife and I return home, she will not be with us, and there will be nothing to   45   . I have so much to say, but no   46   with which to say it.

   My   47   changed from the day I drove this child home from the hospital. I saw myself   48    that day, and it has led to a lot of places that I would never have found on my own.

   She says, “It’ll be all right, Dad. I’ll be home from school   49   .” I tell her she will have a great year but I say little else. I am afraid somehow to speak and I only hold on to our good-bye hug a little longer, a little   50   .

   I gaze into her eyes and   51    to go. My wife’s eyes follow her as she leaves us.   52    do not. Maybe if I don’t look, I can imagine that she really hasn’t   53   ; I know that what she is embarking upon (开始) is exciting and wonderful. I remember what the world looked like to me   54    everything was new.

   As I walk to the car with my wife at my side, my eyes are wet, my heart is sore, and I realize that my life is  55   forever.


49.A.again        B.just          C.too much       D.much too


48.A.beginning     B.end         C.middle        D.time


47.A.speaking      B.spoke         C.telling        D.told


46.A.praise          B.trust        C.advice         D.promise


45.A.does          B.doesn’t      C.must         D.needn’t


44.A.interesting      B.interested      C.moving        D.moved


43.A.But        B.Then         C.Maybe        D.Surely

