0  316781  316789  316795  316799  316805  316807  316811  316817  316819  316825  316831  316835  316837  316841  316847  316849  316855  316859  316861  316865  316867  316871  316873  316875  316876  316877  316879  316880  316881  316883  316885  316889  316891  316895  316897  316901  316907  316909  316915  316919  316921  316925  316931  316937  316939  316945  316949  316951  316957  316961  316967  316975  447090 

55. A. although    B. and       C. not       D. but

答案   36-40 ACCBD   41-45 BDADA   46-50 DACBB   51-55 BADCC 

Passage 65


Have you ever met with a snowstorm?

Some years ago I was ___36___ in a sudden, blinding snowstorm near Indiana, Pennsylvania. My car __37__ at the edge of town, I floundered (struggled) into __38__ store. The owner phoned for help to get my car out of the ___39___ .

In a short time, a tall blond man showed up with ___40___ of horses and pulled me out of the drift into town. I asked him how much I owed him for his ___41___ .  He refused any ___42___, saying. " I will charge you nothing but the promise that you will help the next man you ___43___ in trouble." I thanked him and made ___44___.

After he left, the storekeeper explained __45__ my Good Samaritan was a Mennonite who considered it ___46___ to charge anyone for a service made necessary by an act of God.

Four years later, a friend and I were ___47___ over flooded land south of St. Louis, Missouri. We crossed ___48___ water a foot deep without any trouble., but through ___49___rearview mirror(后视镜), I could see that the small car ___50___ stalled. I waded(跋涉) back ___51___ my companion reversed the car, so I could hook up onto his bumper with tire chains.

We pulled the man out and waited until he got his car ___52___. Then he offered to pay me. I told him ___53___ my experience in Indiana, Pennsylvania, then ___54___ the Mennonite's words: " I will charge you nothing but the promise that you will help the next man ….." He promised, and we __55___.


54. A. hardworking   B. tiresome     C. good      D. stupid


53. A. something    B. nothing     C. that       D. what


52. A. incident     B. accident     C. disaster     D. disease


51. A. hobbies     B. names      C. darlings     D. assistants


50. A. devoted     B. so-called     C. real      D. selfish


49. A. wrong     B. right      C. merciful     D. innocent


48. A. at the back of  B. to the side of   C. in front of    D. on behalf of


47. A. egg      B. book      C. shame      D. praise


46. A. followed    B. stopped     C. driven     D. hidden

