0  317036  317044  317050  317054  317060  317062  317066  317072  317074  317080  317086  317090  317092  317096  317102  317104  317110  317114  317116  317120  317122  317126  317128  317130  317131  317132  317134  317135  317136  317138  317140  317144  317146  317150  317152  317156  317162  317164  317170  317174  317176  317180  317186  317192  317194  317200  317204  317206  317212  317216  317222  317230  447090 

41. His car suddenly got burnt in ______crossroads a few metres away from ______ grocery.

  A. /…the     B. a…a         C. the …a          D. a …one


40. -Put ______ waste bag in the dustbin.

  -It’s not ______ waste bag. It’s my shopping bag.

  A. a… a          B. the…the          C. the…a           D. a… the


39. We stood at the top of the mountain _____ east of the city, watching ______ burning sun rising.

A. /…a     B. the…a           C. the…the          D. /…the


38. ______school usually begins in ______September , when the weather is still warm .

  A. /…/       B. The …/          C. The…the        D. A…/


37. Mark wished for ______ rest after having ______ hard time at school.

  A. a…a       B. the…the          C. a…the           D. a…/


36. He got hurt in a traffic accident _____ other day. Now he has been in _______ hospital for a week.

  A. the, /       B. the, the          C. /, /              D. /, the


35. Summers in  ________south of France are for ________most part dry and sunny.

A. /…a      B. the…/         C. /…/            D. the...the


34. Mr. Smith, there’s a man at _______ front door who says he has _______news for you of great importance.

A. the…/      B. the...the            C./…/               D./…the


33. I don't like talking on _______ telephone, I prefer writing _______letters.

A. a...the      B. the.../           C. the...the         D. a.../


32. -Where is my blue shirt?

-It's in the washing machine. You have to wear _________different one.

A. any      B. the           C. a             D. other

