0  317067  317075  317081  317085  317091  317093  317097  317103  317105  317111  317117  317121  317123  317127  317133  317135  317141  317145  317147  317151  317153  317157  317159  317161  317162  317163  317165  317166  317167  317169  317171  317175  317177  317181  317183  317187  317193  317195  317201  317205  317207  317211  317217  317223  317225  317231  317235  317237  317243  317247  317253  317261  447090 

28. I was having a beautiful dream _______someone knocked at the door.

  A. when         B. as              C. while        D. since


27. On the farm , the children always did the same work as grown-ups did ______ got paid less.

A. and             B. as              C. if           D. though


26. Dr Robert went to New York , bought some books  ______ his daughter.

  A. visiting        B. to visit           C. and visited    D. visited


25.  It was so hard for them to sail ______ the strong wind.

A. along         B. against           C. to           D. toward


24.  I learned German when I was a child , but now I have forgotten everything ______a few words and expressions.

A. instead of      B. besides           C. except for     D. about


23.  No one knew Mr. Benson’s address ______his daughter.

A. except        B. excepts          C. only         D. beside


22.  We need fifteen more people ______our team to do the job.

A. but          B. except           C. as well       D. besides


21.  Beijing is an ancient capital ________ a history of 3000 years.

A. on              B. of              C. for             D. with


20.  The lady is not in the mood ______going on a sightseeing trip.

A. of           B. for              C. in              D. to


19.  -You seem to show interest in cooking .

-What ? ______, I’m getting tired of it .

A. On the contrary B. To the contrary     C. On the other hand    D. To the other hand

