0  317069  317077  317083  317087  317093  317095  317099  317105  317107  317113  317119  317123  317125  317129  317135  317137  317143  317147  317149  317153  317155  317159  317161  317163  317164  317165  317167  317168  317169  317171  317173  317177  317179  317183  317185  317189  317195  317197  317203  317207  317209  317213  317219  317225  317227  317233  317237  317239  317245  317249  317255  317263  447090 

48. You may do it yourself , ______ask someone else to do it .

  A. or           B. and             C. so           D. yet


47. Nuclear science should be developed to benefit the people ______harm them.

  A. more than      B. other than        C. rather than    D. better than


46. The result of the experiment was bad , ______we decided to start another one.

  A. for              B. but                 C. and          D. so


45. I’d like to stop working ______I’ve got a lot of work still to do .

  A. because       B. though           C. and          D. so


44. The lady thought I was talking about her daughter , ______ , in fact , I was talking about my daughter.

  A. whom        B. where           C. which        D. while


43. If it doesn’t fit you , bring it back______ we’ll give you your money back.

  A. but           B. because          C. since         D. and


42. -Tea ______ coffee?

  -Coffee ______no sugar , thank you .

  A. or…but       B. and…but         C. or…and          D. and…and


41. I know nothing about the young lady ______ she is from Beijing .

  A. except        B. except for        C. except that    D. besides


40. Excuse me for breaking in , ______I have some news for you .

  A. so           B. and             C. but             D. yet


39. ______ everybody knows about it , I don’t want to talk any more . 

  A. For          B. Even            C. Since        D. However

