0  317077  317085  317091  317095  317101  317103  317107  317113  317115  317121  317127  317131  317133  317137  317143  317145  317151  317155  317157  317161  317163  317167  317169  317171  317172  317173  317175  317176  317177  317179  317181  317185  317187  317191  317193  317197  317203  317205  317211  317215  317217  317221  317227  317233  317235  317241  317245  317247  317253  317257  317263  317271  447090 

12. The rich ______ not always happy.

  A. are            B. is              C. has             D. have


11. Ten dollars ______a big sum for a small child , and they will go a long way .

  A. are            B. being            C. have            D. is


10. I, who ______ your teacher, will try my best to help you with your lessons.

  A. be            B. am              C. are              D. is


9. Mary as well as her sisters ______ Chinese in China.

  A. are studying     B. have studied      C. studies              D. study


8. A large number of students of this school _______ fond of playing football.

  A. are            B. was             C. is               D. be


7. The air in big cities ______ very dirty by factories.

  A. are often made    B. is often made      C. have often made    D. has often made


6. The United States of America ______ one of the most developed countries in the world.

  A. is             B. are              C. was             D. were


5. The whole class ______ the teacher attentively.

  A. are listening to    B. is listening to      C. are listening       D. is listening


4. More than 60 percent of world’s radio programmes ______ in English.

A. is             B. was             C. are                 D. be


3. Seventy percent of the students here ______ from the country side.

  A. is             B. are                 C. comes           D. has come

