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32. Half the eggs ______ bad.

  A. is             B. are              C. am              D. be


31. The watch and chain ______ of gold.

  A. is made        B. are made         C. were made        D. am made


30. Bread and butter ______ a kind of food.

  A. is             B. are              C. am              D. be


29. We each _______ to pass the entrance examinations.

  A. hopes          B. hope            C. hoping              D. is hoping


28. The best ______ still unknown.

  A. is             B. are             C. be              D. were


27. Here ______ a new pair of shoes for you.

  A. is             B. are              C. have            D. has


26. It is said the police _______ trying their best to catch the murderer.

  A. have           B. has             C. is              D. are


25. The Smiths ______ to move into the new building.

  A. are            B. is              C. has              D. will


24. Twenty of us are old. The rest _______ young.

  A. is             B. are             C. was             D. were


23. ________ well looked after in that hospital.

  A. Wounded are    B. Wounded is       C. The wounded are    D. The wounded is

