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50.I wonder _______.

A. how much cost these shoes            B. how much do these shoes cost

C. how much these shoes cost               D. how much are these shoes cost


49.He asked me ____ I sat so still.

 A. where         B. how             C. why             D. which


48.He asked me if _____?

A. he train will late                  B. the train always arrived late

C. the train arrives on time               D. the train stops here


46.I want to leave my car. Can you tell me ____near here?

A. if there is a car park                  B. is there a car park

C. if there is parking                  D. is there a parking

you tell us ____?

A. who that man is                     B. who is that man

C. what is that man                    D. Whom that man is


45.She ____ that she lives in London.

  A. said           B. says             C. had said             D. was saying


44. Now we have learned ____

  A. what is heat     B. whether heat is     C. when is heat        D. what heat is


43. He said that he ____us

  A. will help        B. would help        C. is helping          D. helped


42.She said that she ____there for two years.

A. has worked       B. had worked        C. was working       D. worked


41.The book looks ____it had been out in the rain.

A. that            B. whether           C. as though          D. what


40._____we are doing has never been done before.

A. That           B. Which            C. whether           D. What

