0  317134  317142  317148  317152  317158  317160  317164  317170  317172  317178  317184  317188  317190  317194  317200  317202  317208  317212  317214  317218  317220  317224  317226  317228  317229  317230  317232  317233  317234  317236  317238  317242  317244  317248  317250  317254  317260  317262  317268  317272  317274  317278  317284  317290  317292  317298  317302  317304  317310  317314  317320  317328  447090 

28、"You'll have to wait for two hours,   is, about 11:30,   the medical report will come out."The doctor said to me.

  A、that, when   B、which, that   C、that, before   D、which, when


27、-Whom would you like to talk with at the end of the lecture?

  -The lady   herself Miss White.

  A、calling   B、called   C、being called herself   D、named


26、The letter he has been waiting   is from his former head teacher.

  A、for which   B、for   C、for it   D、for whom


25、The survey conducted last week suggests a boy   more than twice as likely to suffer insomnia(失眠)   a girl.

  A、is, as   B、be, as   C、was, such   D、is, so


24、Keeping    hours does good to your    .

  A、common, health    B、regular, health 

  C、familar, healthy    D、usual, healthy


23、Just as Alan M.Eddison   it "Modern technology   ecology an apology."

  A、says,owes  B、puts,makes  C、put, owes   D、said,owe


22、-Is the television advertisement working?

  -Yes,    orders are coming.

  A、None    B、Some   C、Few   D、More



21、What    fun talking to you in    form of sending emails!

  A、/,the    B、/,a    C、a,the   D、a,/

