0  317182  317190  317196  317200  317206  317208  317212  317218  317220  317226  317232  317236  317238  317242  317248  317250  317256  317260  317262  317266  317268  317272  317274  317276  317277  317278  317280  317281  317282  317284  317286  317290  317292  317296  317298  317302  317308  317310  317316  317320  317322  317326  317332  317338  317340  317346  317350  317352  317358  317362  317368  317376  447090 

31. Canada's economic wealth is closely linked to ______ of the US, which buys three-quarters of its exports.

  A. which       B. what       C. that      D. one


30. No decision _______ about the building of the kindergarten until the meeting is over.

  A. has been made   B. is made     C. will be made   D. was made


29. --- Have you done your homework? --- Not yet. I didn't have time last night. --- _______

  A. Why not?     B. That's no excuse.  C. Not at all.    D. No problem.


28. _____ more about the history of the country, just read these books and talk with the old people there.

  A. Know       B. Knowing     C. Known     D. To know


27. It's a very hot place. Sometimes the temperature ______ reach 40 degrees C in the summer.

  A. shall       B. must       C. can      D. should


26. It is difficult for a child to learn a language in a family, in which ______ of the parents speaks the language.

  A. both        B. all       C. each      D. neither


25. One of his final public appearances was at the Berlin International Film Festival in February, where he _____ a lifetime achievement award.

A. repeated      B. represented    C. reached     D. received


24. There are many differences in the language, and these differences are ______ make the language so colorful.

  A. that        B. what       C. which      D. who


23. She feels ______ because the other children don't play with her.

  A. got out      B. left out      C. stood out    D. gave out


22. Now it is easy for us to get _____ information we need from ______ Internet.

 A. the, the        B. /, the      C. /, /       D. the, /

