0  317197  317205  317211  317215  317221  317223  317227  317233  317235  317241  317247  317251  317253  317257  317263  317265  317271  317275  317277  317281  317283  317287  317289  317291  317292  317293  317295  317296  317297  317299  317301  317305  317307  317311  317313  317317  317323  317325  317331  317335  317337  317341  317347  317353  317355  317361  317365  317367  317373  317377  317383  317391  447090 

35. Thank you for all your hard work last week. I don’t think we _____it without you.

 A. can manage  B. could have managed  C. could manage  D. should have managed


34. Choosing the right dictionary depends on _________ you want to use it for.

    A. what         B. why          C. how             D. whether


33.The monument was built in honor of the explorer who was believed ______the big river.

A.to have discovered      B.to have been discovered

C.to discovered        D.having been discovered


32. --------Bruce, I really appreciate your handwriting.


    A.I practice every day     B.Thank you very much

    C.No, I don’t think so     D.Well, It’s not good enough.


31. ______twice, the postman refused to deliver our letters unless we chained our dog.

A. Being bitten  B. Bitten  C. Having bitten  D. To be bitten

