0  317543  317551  317557  317561  317567  317569  317573  317579  317581  317587  317593  317597  317599  317603  317609  317611  317617  317621  317623  317627  317629  317633  317635  317637  317638  317639  317641  317642  317643  317645  317647  317651  317653  317657  317659  317663  317669  317671  317677  317681  317683  317687  317693  317699  317701  317707  317711  317713  317719  317723  317729  317737  447090 

28. -Excuse me.Can you spare me a few minutes? 

- ______.

    A.What’s on?   B.What’s up?    C.What’s more?   D.What is it? 


27.____  in the school regulation that students shouldn’t use cell phones in the campus.  

    A.What requires                B.What is required 

C.It is required                D.It requires           


26. - Has Mr. Tom White arrived?

   - Yes, already.     he wait outside or just come in?          

    A.Shall         B.May          C.Could        D.Must


25. When she came in, she found a stranger ______ at the back of the classroom with his eyes ______ upon her.

    A.sitting; fixing   B.sat; fixing   C.seating; fixed  D.seated; fixed 


24. I have $50, but that isn’t ______ enough for my journey fare.

    A.nearly        B. almost       C.hardly         D.mostly  


23. - Where did you meet the famous actress?

- It was in the supermarket    we went shopping last Sunday.

    A.which         B.that          C.where         D.there   


22. She was reading a book in her chair ________ first time I saw ________ old lady.

   A. a; an     B. the;the     C. 不填;the    D. 不填;an 


第一节   单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)

从A、B、C、 D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

21. If I can help ______, I prefer living in Hangzhou because the weather here is better than ______ of Zhengzhou.

  A.that; that    B.it; that     C.that; one     D.it; it   

