0  317799  317807  317813  317817  317823  317825  317829  317835  317837  317843  317849  317853  317855  317859  317865  317867  317873  317877  317879  317883  317885  317889  317891  317893  317894  317895  317897  317898  317899  317901  317903  317907  317909  317913  317915  317919  317925  317927  317933  317937  317939  317943  317949  317955  317957  317963  317967  317969  317975  317979  317985  317993  447090 

30. The wealth of a country should be measured       the health and happiness of its people as well as material goods it can produce.

A. by all means   B. in place of      C. in terms of      D. in line with


29. - Sunny day, isn't it?  

- Let's hope the sunny weather      for Saturday's tennis match. 

A. carries on   B. moves on  C. goes up    D. keeps up


28. In China, peach is a      of long life and therefore makes an ideal birthday present.

A. symbol   B. sign   C. signal  D. symptom


27.  There is such a problem _____ we all should _____.

A.   as; pay attention to it       B. that; attract our attention

B.    as; pay attention to        D. that; attract our attention to it


26. –Yao Ming and Yi Jianlian played well in the 29th Olympics.

  --Yes. They _____better but for the injuries.

  A. could have done   B. could do   C. couldn’t have done   D. can’t do


25. –Why, Simon! Someone seems to have called you over there.

  --Yes? I _____ that.

  A. didn’t realize   B. haven’t realized   C. am not realizing  D. don’t realize


24.  As I know, there is _____ car on this campus.

A.   no such a   B. no such the   C. no such   D. no such his car


23.  There are things people accept less, _____ you defend them.

A.    as     B. while    C. the moment   D. the more


22.  –-The terrible earthquake made 15 million people homeless.


A.   Certainly     B. I agree with you   C. It’s OK    D. That’s the case




21. If we expect      much cleaner world, we should attract      world's attention to protect it.

A. a; a    B. a; the  C. a; 不填    D. the; 不填

