0  317903  317911  317917  317921  317927  317929  317933  317939  317941  317947  317953  317957  317959  317963  317969  317971  317977  317981  317983  317987  317989  317993  317995  317997  317998  317999  318001  318002  318003  318005  318007  318011  318013  318017  318019  318023  318029  318031  318037  318041  318043  318047  318053  318059  318061  318067  318071  318073  318079  318083  318089  318097  447090 

13. It was in the classroom _____ we have Economics classes ____ I found my cell phone.

  A. where;  where  B. where;  that  C. that;  where  D. that;  that


12. It is hard to believe that some textbooks _____ ten years ago _____ in our university today.

  A. published; are using          B. published; are being used

  C. having been published ; are being used   D. publishing; are been used


11. He carried a note book, _____ which he frequently ______ during the course of the talk.

  A. on; referred  B. of; referred  C. about; referred   D. to; referred


10. Every family in America has had this sort of experience ____ there was a price increase of nearly one-third in the past two years.

 A. that  B.which  C. what  D. when


9. How annoying _______!

 A. that they are making so much noise   B. is they are making so much noise

C. is it that they are making so much noise  D. it is that they are making so much noise


8. _____ alone in the dark room, the little girl was so frightened as to cry loudly.

  A. Leaving  B. Left  C. Having left  D. To be left 


7. ----- When will you come to see me, Dad?

  ---- I will go to see you when you ____ the training course.

  A. will have finished  B. will finish  C. are finishing  D. have finished


6. I don’t know the exact meaning of the word, so I’d better _____ a dictionary.

  A. look up  B. draw  C. consult    D. search 


5. ---- Shall we go to the art exhibition right away?

 ---- _____.

  A. It’s your opinion   B. I don’t mind  C. It’s all up to you  D. That’s your decision.


4. ---- Sorry for being late. I was held up in the traffic.

  ---- It’s all right. I _____ the newspaper , anyway.

  A. am reading  B. read     C. have been reading  D. have read

