0  318249  318257  318263  318267  318273  318275  318279  318285  318287  318293  318299  318303  318305  318309  318315  318317  318323  318327  318329  318333  318335  318339  318341  318343  318344  318345  318347  318348  318349  318351  318353  318357  318359  318363  318365  318369  318375  318377  318383  318387  318389  318393  318399  318405  318407  318413  318417  318419  318425  318429  318435  318443  447090 

32.-John, how did your English exam go?

    -I thought I ______have failed, but in fact I came in the top 10 in the class.

    A.might          B.couldn't        C.should        D.mustn't


31.It is absolutely unacceptable to sacrifice people's life and health _______the economic development in any case.

    A.in hope of      B.in exchange for                 C.in face of  D.in need of


30.-What did your parents think about your decision?

    -They always let me do ______I think I should.

    A.when          B.that           C.how D, what


29.-If the traffic hadn't been so heavy, I could have been back by 6 o'clock.

    -What a pity! Tina ______here to see you.

    A.was coming     B.came         C.would come     D.has come


28.Mrs.Obama once said, "People have different ______; they won't always like what you wear."

    A.tastes         B.feelings        C.ideas          D.senses


27.-_____up late never did any good to my quizzes.

    -So, you've tried at least.

    A.Stay          B.Stayed        C.Staying        D.Being stayed


26.China's population is expected to increase to be about 1.5 billion in 2040,______it will start to decline slowly.

    A.since when     B.before that     C.on which       D.after which


25.The failure to find a satisfactory job after graduation pushed Liu Qian to ______magic as a career.

    A.make up       B.put up         C.set up         D.take up


24.-Excuse me, is this seat vacant?

    -Yes, it's________.

    A.convenient     B.available       C.possible       D.optional


23.-I haven't finished my homework yet.

    -Speed up! We'll ______you another twenty minutes.

    A.allow          B.spare         C.leave          D.add

