0  318940  318948  318954  318958  318964  318966  318970  318976  318978  318984  318990  318994  318996  319000  319006  319008  319014  319018  319020  319024  319026  319030  319032  319034  319035  319036  319038  319039  319040  319042  319044  319048  319050  319054  319056  319060  319066  319068  319074  319078  319080  319084  319090  319096  319098  319104  319108  319110  319116  319120  319126  319134  447090 

33. Try to spend your time just on the things you find _________. 

  A. worth doing them    B. worth being done    C. them worth doing      D. worth doing


32. When I came in, I saw her _____ in the sofa ______ in thought.   

  A. sat, deep      B. sitting, deeply       C. seated, deep        D. seating, deeply


31. -You may find the key to the maths problem on page 107.

  -Ah, it’s so simple. I wonder why I      of that.  

A. hadn’t thought  B. haven’t thought     C. didn’t think        D. wasn’t thinking


30. - John, how did your English exam go?

- I thought I _____, but in fact I came in the top 10% in the class. 

A. should have failed                    B. couldn’t have failed

C. might have failed                    D. mustn’t have failed


29. In many countries in the world, breakfast is a snack ______ a meal, but the traditional English breakfast is a full meal.  

   A. rather than      B. more than          C. other than          D. less than


28. Alone in a deserted home, he was so busy with his research that he felt ______ lonely.

  A. nothing but     B. anything but       C. all but          D. everything but


27. - Did your father come back early last night?

- Yes. It was not yet eight o’clock ______ he arrived home. 

  A. before          B. when             C. that              D. until


26. It is the hotel _________located in the downtown _________he applied to for a job.

  A. that; that      B. which; that        C. that; where        D. /; that


25. - Who will you _________to write the article?

-_________fits for the job.

  A. have; Anyone who             B. get; Whoever

C. suggest; The one who              D. hope; Anyone


24. Chongqing and Wuhan are among the most important cities in China _______ their size and population. 

  A. in favor of        B. in case of          C. in view of         D. in terms of

