0  318966  318974  318980  318984  318990  318992  318996  319002  319004  319010  319016  319020  319022  319026  319032  319034  319040  319044  319046  319050  319052  319056  319058  319060  319061  319062  319064  319065  319066  319068  319070  319074  319076  319080  319082  319086  319092  319094  319100  319104  319106  319110  319116  319122  319124  319130  319134  319136  319142  319146  319152  319160  447090 

6. As soon as I get paid, I s________ some money away so I won't be tempted to spend it.


5. Your sweater will s______ if you wash it at too high a temperature.


4. Would you like oil and v________ on your salad?


3. East or west, n______ is best.


2. After seeing all kinds of the houses, we d_______ on this flat.


1. Before studying a new text, the students are asked to have a good p_______ of the text.


2. 报道的开头已给出,不计入总词数。

1.   不能保持教室清洁,随意丢弃废物;
2.   对师长不够礼貌,见面不打招呼;
3.   购物、等车不能遵守秩序。
1.  积极参加大扫除,将废弃物分类放入 垃圾箱;
2.  主动问候老师并给予老师一些帮助;
3.  主动排队,在公交车上给老人让座

                         Great Changes

The activity of being a good student and good citizen has been held since the beginning of this term in our school.






54. Where can we probably find this passage?

A. In a newspaper.                   B. In a novel. 

C. In a travel guide.                      D. In a short story.


53. Albert, a pianist in a small band, works in the local night pub, and many of his friends are bar owners or restaurant managers. Which is the best way for him to raise money?

A. Exhibitions.                         B. Parties, Dances, Music. 

C. Sales.                          D. University Funds.

