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3. Listen to the tape and choose the best answers according to the text:


2. Go through the text quickly and pay attention to the meaning and usage of some words. Then finish the following vocabulary exercise.  Part D and Part E.

D  1 d     2 a     3  g  4  e   5  b 
6 f     7 c     8  h 
   E  (1) accountant     (2)  career 
    (3) rent         (4)  edition
    (5) boom          (6)  opportunities
    (7) elderly         (8)  trend
    (9) seasonal        (10)  adaptations 


1. Let’s read the passage a second time and complete Parts C1 and C2 on page 20

C1  1. From the Midwest and the Northeast.
2. Florida.
3. It is home to the largest population of people aged 65 and older. This group accounts for nearly 18 percent of the state’s population.
4. Ambulance response time has been decreased and many houses have bathrooms designed for elderly homeowners with things like walk-in bathtubs that reduce the risk of slips and falls.
5. 17%
6. Cities are more exciting and have more job opportunities.
7. He thinks that cities are more exciting and he can meet young people like himself and go to theatres, museums and big sporting events for the entertainment.
8. Five people.


Move to
The community understands the needs of older people; to play bingo; to plant his herb garden; to watch seagulls at the beach; to meet friends of his own age; to get good medical care
Los Angeles
To advance her career in a big company to become a top accountant.
A big city
To meet people; to find entertainment; to go to the theatre; museums and big sporting events; to have an exciting life
Afraid of falling on ice and getting hurt


3.    What kind of people are mobile people?

Sampled answers:
1. It means “not fixed ”or “can be moved”
2. A mobile library is a library that is on a bus and can travel to different places; A mobile medical team is a group of doctors and nurses who go from place to place to treat sick people.
3. Mobile people are those who leave their home and move to elsewhere.

American cities are similar to other cities around the world.In every country, cities reflect the values of the culture. Cities contain the very best side of a society:opportunities for education, employment and so on. They also contain the very worst parts of a society:violent crime, racial discrimination and poverty. American cities are changing, just as American society.
After World War Ⅱ, the population of most large American cities decreased; however, the population in many Sun Bolt cities increased. Los Angeles and Houston are cities where population increased. This population moving to and from the city reflects the changing values of American society.
During this time, in the late 1940s and early 1950s, city people became wealthier. They had more children. They needed more space. They moved out their flats in the city to buy their own houses. They bought houses in the suburbs, areas near a city where people live. These are areas without many offices or factories. During the 1950s the American “dream” was to have a house on the outskirts.
Now things are changing. The children of the people who left the cities in the 1950s are now adults. They, unlike their parents, want to live in the cities. Some continue to move to cities in the Sun Belt. Cities are expanding and the population is increasing in such states as Texas, Florida and California.Others are moving to more established cities of the Northeast and Midwest, such as Boston, Baltimore and Chicago.
Many young professionals, doctors and lawyers are moving back into the city. They prefer the city to the suburbs because their jobs are there; they are afraid of the fuel shortage or they just enjoy the excitement and opportunities which the city offers. A new class is moving into the cities--a wealthier, more mobile class.

Step 2: Fast reading for general ideas

Go through the passage as quickly as possible and try to find answers to the three questions in part A on Page18. Just focus on and identify the information needed to answer these questions.    

A  1 The movement of people in the USA.
   2 .American living
   3. People over 60 years and young adults.

Step 3: Detailed reading for important information


2.    What do you think a mobile library and a mobile medical team are?


1.    Many people are now using mobile phones. Do you know what the word “mobile” mean?



  He quaked with excitement as he realized that he had found a new species.



  You might be better at maths  but I have the edge over you in sports



  The dog wags its tail slowly on the hot summer day.



  They have established a bond with each other ever since they first met online.

