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26 (1) (秦始皇)赢政贡献最突出。理由:灭六国,统一全国,奠定中国古代大一统局面的基础。称皇帝,确立皇权至上;中央设三公九卿,地方废分封,置郡县等; 在全国建立强大的中央集权制度,对此后两千多年的中国政治制度和社会产生了重要影响。

(2) 汉武帝(刘彻)贡献最突出。理由: 采取建立中朝、设置刺史和实行推恩令等措施,最终解决了王国问题,加强了中央集权,维护了国家统一。

27 (1) 分封示意图 : 西周时期,周天子实行分封制,让王族、功臣和贵族建立诸侯国,拱卫王室。加强了对地方的统治,形成对周天子众星捧月般的政治格局。

(2) 秦诏版: 秦统一六国后,秦始皇首创皇


(3) 内阁大堂旧址: 明太祖废除丞相后, 政务繁多。明成祖时,选拔翰林院官员人值文渊阁(内阁)参与机密事务决策,内阁制度 正式建立。

28  (1) 中央: 废丞相,权分六部; 地方: 废行省,设三司。(2) 设殿阁大学士;内阁制度。(3) 君主专制空前强化。(4) 军机处结构简单,只有几间入值房舍,内部陈设简陋。(5) 议政王大臣会议、南书房形同虚设,后来相继撤销,内阁也名存实亡。全国的军政大权都集中到皇帝一人手中,若主专制制度达到顶峰。






A tape recorder and a computer .

Step I Lead-in

1. Show pictures to students, and lead in the topic about university life

  Show students some pictures of colorful university life abroad and ask two questions.

1) Have you thought about studying abroad?

2) What do you think life would be like if you studied abroad?

Look at the title “My university life” and guess what this article will be about.

Step II Listening

Listen to the tape and finish the following two tasks.

1   Some questions

●  How long has Qin Xiaoyong been at university?

●  What sports did he play at school?

●  What sports did his Canadian friend introduce?

2     Choose what topics are mentioned in the text?

make preparations before going to university

   his dormitory and his roommate

   subjects he has  learnt at  university

   make big adjustments to his life

   his teachers and his classmates

   advice to readers

Step III Reading

Read the text quickly and finish the following tasks


1 What was the hardest thing for Qin Xiaoyong when he went to university?

2 What does Qin Xiaoyong learn about in his degree course?

3 What advice does Qin Xiaoyong give about money?

4 how do university students spend  their free time?

True or false

1 He keeps in touch with his family by telephone?

2 His favorite foreign food is steak with mustard sauce?

3 Qin Xiaoyong’s room is very big and rectangular with bathroom.

Careful reading

Read the text carefully and do some exercises.

Contact with family

Step IV Consolidation

Complete the dialogue: Xiaoyong(Y) and Xiaohua(H

H: Hi, Xiaoyong, You know I’m going to study abroad. Would you like give me a quick

  p________ of what the university life  looks like abroad.

Y: Of course. As far as I’m concerned, it’s  very e________.

H: Well, could you give me some a______ about it?

 Y: Surely, firstly you should look t______ numerous brochures to decide which

 university to apply to.

H Right, but I have d______ on my university.

Y: Then you have to make some big a_______    to your life.

H: I agree with you. And anything else?

Y: Maybe you should learn how to cook and do l________. Besides, you’d better

 s_________ some of your money away each week to make it last.

H: I will. Anyway, I feel worried about my future university life abroad.

Y: Don’t worry. When planning for university, you should look f________ instead of

  backwards .

H: thanks a lot. I think I’ll the most of it.

Y: You are welcome. If you have any other questions, do not h_______ to ask me at

  any time.

Step V Discussion

Discuss in groups and describe Qin Xiaoyong’s university life with some adjectives.

Step VI Language points

Words and expressions

1 give sb. a quick preview of (Lines7-8)



1)    n. a short description of something that is going to happen.

e.g. At the start of the term the teacher gave a preview of what the students

  would be studying.


Vt. To give a short account of something that is going to happen

e.g. 在学期的第一堂课上,我们的老师对该


 In our first class of the semester, our teacher previewed the course for us.

2 look through (Line17)


e.g. She looked through her notes before the midterm the English.


4     at some point(lines24-25)


e.g. 很多人在人生的某个阶段都会遭遇失败。

  Many people suffer from failure at some point (          ) in their life.

More phrases:

       at all points  在各方面

       at the point of 就要。。。时候

       in point of 就。。。而言

       off the point 离题的

       to the point 中肯的

5 believe it or not (line43)


It means whether no matter you believe or not.

e.g. Believe it or not, we have decided on having a holiday at the seaside.


Step VII Homework

1 Read the text again and find out some more

 important and difficult language points

2 Finish partD and partE on Page52-53 .


3. Learning ability goals:  Students are expected to practice and reinforce their reading comprehension and improve their overall ability.


2. Ability goals:  Enable students to gain some information about living and studying at a university in Canada


1. Target language:  new words and sentence structure


Preview the article on page 127

Finish Part A and part B on page 128

Finish part A and part B on page 129


A report will include all or some of the following points, in the order shown:

1.Statement of the present situation

2.Background to the situation---- what happened before

3.Cause of/ reasons for the situation

4.Details of the situation

5.Likely results of the situation----what may  happen in the future

6.Recommendations for the action to be taken

7.Reasons for the recommendations

Step 3  Writing a teacher’s report

1.Statement of the present situation

2.Background to the 

3.Reasons for the situation

4.Details of the situation (Xu Jin’s reactions)

5.Likely results of the situation 

6.Recommendations for action to be taken

7.Reasons for the recommendations


Report on  Xu Jin stealing money from school

Statement of the situation
Xu Jin stole some money from his classmates yesterday
Background to the situation
He got involved with some friends playing computer games in an Internet café.
Reasons for the situation
He was addicted to computer games and needed more money because of this.
Details of the situation (Xu Jin’s reactions)
He told the truth and wrote a letter of apology.
Likely results of the situation
We should give him a second chance.
Recommendations for actions to be taken –reasons for the recommendation
Give his parents some suggestions: Ask them to talk to Xu Jin more often and get to know his friends.
Encourage Xu Jin to concentrate on study and stop him from going to the Internet cafes. His bad habits caused him to steal, and he needs to stop.

