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2.下列句子中没有错别字的一项是(   )






1.下列各组词语中加的字读音全都不同的一项是(   )

A.悲  寒   伤   海桑田   踉踉

B.女  亲   销   股之臣   筹交错

C.相  海   榔    弃陋习   两苍苍

D.长  岖   身   路亡羊   花木成


74. What will Simply Sellular do with the refurbished cell phones? ( no more than 9 words)


Ⅳ Writing (35 points)

Section A (10 points)


Read the following passage and fill in the chart with suitable words or phrases according to the passage. (Notice: Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each blank)

Children are the future of every country. It is important that we protect this resource no matter what economic background they come from. Special attention should be paid to those in economically unstable situations, especially in the third world countries. It is easy to see these children everywhere from traffic stops, construction sites or even stalls at the outdoor market begging and peddling (叫卖).  Sometimes one wonders how this is possible.

There are pure economical factors that decide the fate of the children coming from poor families. Poverty forces poor parents to take their children out of school and put them to work, so that a little more money can be earned to support the family. The children of such families are the most unfortunate ones because they are not offered any opportunities to choose what they are doing.

What should we do to help these children, especially those coming from poor families? The first thing that should be done is to help them get a good education. Once this is done, everything will become much easier. 

Education is the key to future success. If the drop-out rate (失学率) continues to increase, it will be bad for the future of our country. So there is an urgent need to set up more education societies that would provide free education and other things like food, clothing and medicine for children from poor families, so that their families don’t feel the burden of their education. Along with education, if some vocational (职业的) training is provided, these children can make a better living after graduation. This way they will be able to use the skills gained during their education better.

We also need to design childhood development and welfare programs exclusively (专有地) for poor children.

This simple way of helping the children by making proper education will help in building a healthy society. Education programs need to be set up with the help of charitable (慈善的) organizations and the effort of the whole society.

 Help poor children get education.
 Many children are begging, pedding and doing child labor in
 76._______ areas in some poor countries and they need special attention and care.
 77._______ forces the children out of school to work and make a living or support the family.
Help poor children get 78.___________.
Set up more education programa and provide 79._________
 education, food, clothing and medicine for poor children.
 Provide vocational 80._________ for poor children. The
81.__________ they gain from training may help them live a better life.
 Design some 82.________ for the development and
 welfare of poor children.
 Offering proper education to poor children is 84._________
 to society, but requires the help of everyone.

Section B (25 points)

Directions: Write an English compostion in about 120 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.

某中学生英文报举办故事大赛,请根据下列五幅图画提供的信息,以Zhang Ping’s choice 为题,写一篇故事,讲述张平的经历。        






73. How will Simply Sellular pay you for your old cell phones? ( no more than 7 words)



72. What kind of cell phones is acceptable at Simply Sellular? (no more than 8 words)



71. According to the passage, what is Simply Sellular? ( no more than 8 words)



70. Some are against the increase in minimum wage because they say ______.

A. only very few workers will be helped    

B. they have to raise the wages of other worker

C. many business owners can''t afford to employ new worker

D. minimum wage workers will expect more pay rises in the future

Section B (10 points) 

Directions:  Read the following passage. The passage is followed by 4 questions. Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage and the required words limit.

There are millions of used cell phones in the world today. The most of them just lay in our houses without any purpose. Everyday dozens of new cell pohone models appeared. Today, you can find what was regarded as a fantasy yesterday in a store and you will buy it tomorrow. But what to do with the old phones, which work well enough and not so old?

Just get some money! Simply Sellular is buying almost all models of cell phones: LG, Motorola, HP, Siemens, Samsung, Sanyo, Nokia and many others cell phones. Also they accept phones produced in every country, and in every condition. Simply Sellular can offer a good price for your old cell phone in cash. Their mission is giving you a simple way to get money for and old phone, as simple and profitable (赚钱) as possible. Also they offer a trade-in scheme (折价方案) to get another model instead of your phone, providing a good service after the sale.

Also Simply Sellular works with the so-called 911 cell phone program. So you can donate (捐赠) your cell phone to them to help some people who need it. They know what to do with your old phone! You can be interested in their recycling programs, where every used cell phone could be easily recycled for a few times. Some phones, which are good for refurbish (翻新), Simply Sellular donates to people who need it, for example women or military personnel. If the refurbish is impossible they just recycle cell phones.

Just think a minute: it’s a good deal to get some money for your old cell phone, good deal to help somebody with your phone and really important to recycle all techniques after use. Working tith Simply Sellular you get every possibility absolutely free. And they will pay for you! That’s a really good deal!


69. The underlined phrase "lay off" is closest in meaning to ______.

A. fire   B. put off    C. set aside    D. give extra work


68. According to Rajeev Dhawan, it is ______ that matter(s) to people in need of help.

A. a higher hourly minimum         B. more work hour

C. a minimum-wage increase         D. an increase in total income


67. According to the text, the US federal government has increased minimum wage with the aim of _____.    

A. decreasing unemployment       B. promoting economic recovery

C. increasing American teenagers'' wage 

D. narrowing the gap between the rich and the poor

