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68.What does the author think according to the passage?

    A.Children living in one-parent families badly need their parents’ love and help

B.Children with one-parent need their parents’ money badly.

C.Chinese value whole marriage more than before.     D.Work is dearest to most Chinese.


In many ways, the earliest periods of photography are the most satisfying. Learning to use the controls is easy and comes quickly, and you can measure the results in terms of sharp and correctly developed pictures. Once you have mastered that, you can start on the second step of your photographic work. Using these basic skills in a wide variety of situations to give the pictures you want, noticing what you see through the viewfinder and turning that into the most effective picture becomes totally interesting.

All good photographs have one thing in common; there is no doubt what the subject of the picture is meant to be. Every photographer must use those same standards to his or her work, not only to the finished results but to the subject before he or she takes it. Always work  out quite clearly what the subject of the picture is to be and why you are taking the picture. For example,“I am going to take a picture of this street to show the different styles and ages of the buildings and that people have been living, working and shopping in them since time began.”By doing this you have a better idea of what to include in the picture and what to leave out. How often have you been shown photographs taken by people away on a trip somewhere? The judgment is always similar, something about“the car park is out of the picture to the left”, or“you can’t quite see from this picture but if you go up the street”. The photographs are usually collections of buildings, people, parked cars, possibly a distant look of an ancient church, and best of all, a figure which you are told is Aunt Henrietta, disappearing in the middle distance. When photographers show you their pictures, they have a clear idea of what they want to bring to your attention, but it often does not appear in the picture. If they had given just a little of their time to think about their future judgment before taking the picture, then the picture would relate its own story. Good pictures can show their subjects quickly and easily.


67.It can be concluded from the passage that    .

    A.in the author’s eyes, the breakdown of the two-parent family in China will be more serious than that in

 the U. S. in the future.

B.today young Americans should reduce their material comforts in the interests of their children’s future

C.Chinese marriage is said to be all perfect

D.at present, nearly one half of all new marriages end in divorce in China


66.According to the passage, the American family value in the past is that    .

    A.Americans love their families more than their jobs.

B.Americans often set aside their children’s needs

C.Americans have a strong work desire

D.American parents place the needs of their children above their own


65.The main point of the passage is     .

    A.family plays a very important role in America.

B.there is something about family for Americans to learn from China.

C.a proper balance between work and family needs to be found for Chinese

D.the Chinese have a proper balance between work and play


64.The future will probably belong to those who _________.

    A.own and know how to make use of information B.can read and write well

    C.devote themselves to service industries    D.look ahead instead of looking back


   One of the United States’ social problems is the breakdown of the two-parent family. Today, millions of American children grow up without fathers. Too often, these children lack the love and help they badly need and which they would ordinarily receive from not one but two parents. In the old days, American parents placed the needs of their children above their own. At present, however, nearly one half of all new marriages end in divorce(离婚), with often troubling results for their children. Worse, every year, thousands of teenage, unmarried Americans become mothers outside marriage, with generally terrible results for the mothers and children alike and for American society more generally. However, Chinese continue to value whole marriages. This is not to say that Chinese marriages are all perfect-they certainly are not, judging from increasing rates of divorce and extramarital affairs-but the willingness of Chinese to set aside their own needs and stay together for the sake of the children is admirable and worthy of study.

    Families, in whatever form they may take, are important to Americans. If one was to ask a group of Americans what is dearest to them, the majority would say“family”.And yet, so many Americans spend much more time at work-that is, beyond the formal forty-hour work week-than they do with their own families. Obviously, the USA is one of the most powerful in the world, owing in large measure to“workaholism”(工作狂).It seems to me that Chinese generally find a better balance between work and family needs than many Americans do. I don’t see the number of workaholics in China that I do in the United States(or American organizations in China).Instead, average Chinese usually head home right after work(in the office or field),have meals together, and spend time with their family members. What’s more, Chinese try to make more time for grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins than many Americans; in many cases, multigenerational families live together. Of course, like many facts of Chinese society, this is all changing; increasing numbers of“New Chinese”are working longer hours and spending less time with their families than ever before. Still, while Americans do value their loved ones. I think we have something to learn from the Chinese about finding the proper balance between work and family.


63.What does the author mean by referring to computers and other inventions?

    A.People should be able to act quickly to the advancement of technology.

    B.Future achievements in technology will bring about big changes.

    C.The importance of high technology has been paid no attention to.

    D.Computer science will play a leading role in the future information services.


62.Knowledge society brings about a great change that __________.

    A.the difference between the workers and employers has become smaller

    B.people’s old ideas about work no longer exist

    C.most people have to take part-time jobs   D.people have to change their jobs from time to time


61.Information age means _____________.

    A.the service industry is depending more and more on women workers

    B.heavy industries are rapidly increasing

    C.people find it harder and harder to earn a living by working in factories

    D.most of the job chances can now be found in the service industry.


60.What’s the writer’s attitude towards Arafat’s future, judging from the last sentence of the passage?  A.Hopeful.   B.Interesting.  C.Satisfactory.          D.Doubtful.


A new period is coming. Call it what you will: the service industry, the information age, the knowledge society. It all translates to a great change in the way we work. Already we’re partly there, the percentage of people who earn their living by making things has fallen sharply in the Western World. Today the majority of jobs in America, Europe and Japan (two thirds or more are in many of these countries) are in the service industry, and the number is on the rise. More women are in the work force than ever before. There are more part-time jobs. More people are self-employed. But the breath of the great change can’t be measured by numbers alone, because it also is giving rise to new way of thinking about the nature of work itself. Long-held opinions about jobs and careers, the skills needed to succeed, even the relation between workers and employers-all these are being doubted.

We have only to look behind us to get some sense of what may lie ahead. No one looking ahead 20 years possibly could have seen the ways in which a single invention, the chip(芯片), would change our world thanks to its uses in personal computers, and factory equipment. Tomorrow’s achievements in biotechnology or even some still unimagined technology could produce a similar wave of great changes. But one thing is certain: information and knowledge will become even more important, and the people who own it, whether they work in factories or services, will have the advantage and produce the wealth. Computer knowledge will become as basic a requirement as the ability to read and write. The ability to deal with problems by making use of information instead of performing regular tasks will be valued above all else. If you look ahead 10 years, information service will be leading the way. It will be the way you do your job.


59.The underlined word “ignore” can be replaced by __________.

    A.obey the instructions                B.take no notice of

    C.pay much attention to                D.give out orders

